Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Rise Above

Hey all,

We all know that there is a natural thing that happens on this earth called gravity.  It is what keeps us on the ground.  It is a consistent pull.  It never lets up. It is a constant here on earth and allows for us to exist.  Gravity a good thing.

However, I also believe that there is a "spiritual gravity" that also exists on this earth.   It is also a constant pull, just like regular gravity. It's sole purpose is also to keep us down on the ground. It also never lets up. 

But this spiritual gravity is not a good thing.

Check this out.

The spiritual gravity is against us.  It wants to keep us down and keep us from "rising above" the worldly things and to grow in our spirit and faith.  It is controlled by the world and the enemy who rules it.  The "problems and circumstances" of everyday life is what we call spiritual gravity.  It can drag us down.  It can be heavy.  It can keep us in the small spaces of life where we cannot see the big picture.  It can make us feel insignificant.  It can make us lose hope.     

But spiritual gravity can be overcome. It can be conquered. We can rise above it.  It does not have to be a constant in our life.  It is a choice.  We don't have to be controlled by it.

We are not destined to be on the "spiritual ground" our entire lives.  We can rise above it.  We can overcome our "small spaces" and rise above them.  We can fly higher into the larger spaces and find the peace and siginificance we are looking for.  We can overcome it if we choose to. 

 1 John 5:4 says......"For everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith." 

As soon as we realize that if we are born of God then we have the power to overcome the issues of this world.........then we can break free.  We can rise.  We can leave the small story and live in God's bigger story.  We can approach our problems of life with a sense of spiritual freedom.  We will still have our circumstances and issues this life bring us, but when we lean on the truth and our faith, knowing that we can overcome through HIM, then we can............... 

Rise above.

Strength and Honor,




Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Pride or Progress

Hey all,

I was reminded of something tonight that I think we all need to be reminded of from time to time.  This is especially true of men.  As men, we too often let our pride get in the way of progress. 

Let me elaborate. 

As men, we are wired to be in control.  We want to have all the answers and to know exactly what to do in any given situation.  It is our survival instinct I believe that makes us that way.  Since we often see ourselves as providers and protectors.....we think we should have every answer, for every issue, every time.  Even when we don't.  Even when we are wrong.

And when we don't have answers........our pride kicks in.  And when our pride kicks in.....we get defensive.  We react.  We try and justify our actions or words even if they are wrong.  Instead of seeing the situation and seeking progress or resolution to a solution, we often let our pride kick in and know where that goes.....nowhere.  Whether it is a situation with your spouse, your kid, a co-worker, a relative, or a friend........when our pride gets in the way, then progress tends to end.

I was challenged with this recently and actually was able to push my pride aside for a moment and focus on progress.  While it was a rare is worth sharing.  Without going into detail....lets just say that I made a really "poor" decision regarding a situation.  Had I thought it through, I should have never decided what I did.  It was just wrong.  I should not made it.  Immediately afterward, I was confronted, in a loving but stern way, that the decision was not only wrong, but it was getting in the way of the progress we were both trying to make.  It was hard to hear, but I knew she was right.  She spoke the truth and I needed to hear it.

It took every fiber of my being to not let my pride respond.  But instead, I chose to listen and hear what I knew to be true.  She was dead on and I knew it.  I also knew that any defensive response was nothing but pure pride coming out.  So I just listened.  And I agreed.  She was right.  I knew it. I immediately had to go back and "undo" what I had previously decided.  It was not easy, but it was right.  It felt good to not let my pride get in the way for once.

This was about progress, not pride.  And I knew it. 

Next time you are facing your pride.....don't let it get in the way of the progress you are trying to make. 

I am glad she reminded me of this. 

Man, I love my wife.

Strength and Honor,



Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Catch a Glimpse

Hey all,

Have you ever caught a glimpse of something that made you do a "double take"?  Something that made you just want to stare at it for some reason.  Something you were completely drawn to and could not take your eyes off of.  Something that made you feel good.

While it is often easy to see the sunsets, or incredible views from a mountain or an overlook, or a really cool looking home or car.......................these are not the things that I am talking about.

There are so many things in our everyday lives that are right in front of us and if we are really paying attention.......then we can catch a glimpse of something really special.  If not, we miss it. 

It is all around us.  It might be our kids.  It might be our spouse.  It might be a co-worker.  It might be a total stranger.  It could be our surroundings.  It could be a song.  Life is available to us in our everyday stuff.

The world we live in is completely engulfed in God's miracles and beautiful creations.  However, if we are just going through the motions, then we will miss the incredible "glimpses" of HIS power in our midst.  HE is everywhere and in all things around us.  HE is there with our family, our friends, our work, our surroundings, and everything we interact with.  But if we are not awake......if we are not aware....if we are not looking for it.......then we will miss it.

Don't miss out on catching a "glimpse" of HIS works.  It is everywhere.

Don't miss brings us more life.

Strength and Honor,



Saturday, October 27, 2012

Riding or Walking

Hey all,

Where are you going?  Where are you heading to? Do you know the way?  How long will it take?  How will you know when you get there?  What destination are you awaiting to arrive?

These are deep and meaningful questions as it relates to our life aren't they?  When you seriously take the time to answer can be kind of scary.  But also exciting and encouraging.  I have been reflecting recently on whether or not I am "riding or walking" through life.

Check this out. 

Life is not about arriving "somewhere" is about the journey to get there.  The question is......are we a passenger or a participant.  Are we a "rider" or a "walker"?  Life is not supposed to be a bus ride to the next stop.  Life is the journey itself.  The journey that we experience as we walk along the path is life.  It is not at the next stop.  It is now.  Today. 

I watched a movie recently where it was said......."We don't choose a life....we live one".

I thought this was a great statement that reinforces the point.  Life is meant to be lived each day, each hour, each moment............all along the way.

So think about it.....are you a rider or a walker?

There is a big difference.

Strength and Honor,



Saturday, October 13, 2012

Surrendered Ground

Hey all,

It's time to take back the "Surrendered Ground" in our life!  It's time.  We can no longer allow the enemy to keep what has been "surrendered".  We need it back.  It is ours.  It was stolen from us and it is time for justice.  Justice is available to us all through our Father.  HE has already claimed victory over the one who has stolen from us.  We don't have to win anything.  We just have to trust in HIM and take back what is rightfully ours.  Even though we surrendered it, it is still ours. 

Are you ready to take "it" back?

So what I am talking about?  Surrendered ground means the things in our life that we have given up to the enemy.  While it certainly can be sin, it is not just sin.  Things like happiness, contentment, an addiction, being angry, or just being discouraged can be surrendered ground.  It might be a relationship that is really bad.  It might be your marriage.  It might be your circumstance at work.  Anything that is taking away from you experiencing life to the full can be surrendered ground.

Whatever it is for you....then I challenge you......isn't it is time to take it back?  Isn't it time to fight?  Why would you not fight if you know the victory was already at hand?  Give the issue to the Father and then stand up and fight for what has been "surrendered".  Will it be hard?  Yes.  Will it be worth it?  Yes.  But you must fight.  You have to show up first.  It is up to you.  Trust in your Father and...........

Take it back.

Strength and Honor,



Thursday, September 20, 2012

A Few Words

Hey all,

My good friend is taking his 13 year old Son through his "Rite of Passage" into manhood.  He asked some of his close friends to write his Son "a few words" of encouragment.  I thought I what share with you what I told him. 


You have what it takes.  I repeat, you have what it takes!  Don't ever let the enemy or this world tell you different.

_____, the world is full of young men who never really grow up to be "Real Men". Don't be one of those guys.  Ground yourself in the identity that you have in Christ. Always live in that strength and you will never be deceived about who you really are.  You will always know your true self.  Your true heart.

Secondly, don't be afraid to "Dig your ditch". The Lord calls us to put forth effort and do our part (Dig our ditch) in preparation for the rain (Gods blessings) to come.  Don't be one of those that expects the blessings but won't do the work in preparation for them.  Don't be lazy, be a worker.  It will carry you far.  You will be surrounded by lazy people...........don't be like them.  

Lastly, don't be afraid to show your heart to others.  Be a man who is secure and can show his emotions.  Give love and don't be afraid to receive it.  Love is a good thing.  You need it and others do as well.  Don't hold it from anyone, including yourself.

You have what it takes.  You are on your way.  Walk the path.

Strength and Honor,

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Candle or Torch

Hey all,

I just finished a great book called "Halftime" by Bob Buford.  It was given to me by a friend who must have sensed that it would speak to me in a profound way.........and it did.  If you are in the "second half" of your life.....meaning in your 40-50's.  I strongly recommend you pick up a copy. 

There is a quote in Buford's book from George Bernard Shaw that really spoke to I thought I would share

"I rejoice in life for its own sake." Shaw said in an address in 1907. "Life is no brief candle to me.  Its sort of a splendid torch which I've got hold of for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations".

I don't know about you, but I want to be a torch.  A splendid torch that burns brightly for others to see and be drawn to.  Not for me mind you, but for the impact I can have on others.  To make a difference in others lives by how I live my life.  I want to use my gifts to the full every day.  I want to use up this life and burn brightly........and go out on "empty". 

And pass the torch to others.

Strength and Honor,


Monday, September 3, 2012

Transaction or Transformed

Hey all,

The world we live in is transactional.  Have you ever thought about that?

Every day we are engaged in "transactions".  You give something, you get something.  It consumes our lives.  You show up and give something and then we expect something in return.  Think about it......what do you do everyday?  Almost everything we do is about giving something to get something.  We swipe our credit card and we get something.  We hand over our money, we get something in return.  We give some of our time, then we get something.  The transaction is over...and we are on to the next one.  Whether it is work, or grocery shopping, or buying something it just a transaction.  Our days are filled with them.  Give something......get something.  It never ends. 

We can't avoid it.  It is part of our everyday life.  It is how the world works.  It is what makes the days fly by and our lives to seem empty.

But we all want something more.  And it really has an impact on our life overall.  Don't you want to do something that is not a transaction?   Don't you want to do something with meaning?  We all do.  I do.

Our hearts long to be transformed.  To be doing things that have transformational value.  Not just another transaction.  We all long to be transformed.  Changed from the inside.  Not just another silly transaction. 

This is why we seek other things in our life that are not just another transaction.  We seek relationships.  We love the message of a good book.  We love hearing other peoples stories.  We love the tale of the journey.  It motivates us.  It calls us to move.  We want the transformation of our hearts.  Not just another transaction.  But how?

I am convinced that this is why so many of us are frustrated.  We are tired of the transaction.  We don't want another book.  We don't want just another great message at Church.  We don't want another weekend retreat....or a small group.  What we want is the transformation of the things we hear that move our hearts.  We want our lives to change.  To be transformed.  To become the things we believe and desire. It is the small voice that calls on our hearts on a daily basis but we don't know how to respond to it.  While we love the things mentioned above, when it doesn't transform, then it feels like another transaction.

But transformation is available.  We can be transformed. The challenge is to not let the transactional world we live in dominate our existence.  We cannot live our lives going from one thing to the next.  We have to see the opportunity for transformation in our lives and allow it to happen.  We have to stop seeing our daily transactions as merely getting something.....but to start seeing them as giving something.  Transformation is available every day in our transactions........the key is to start seeing them as what they actually are.......which is an opportunity to be transformed or to transform someone else through the "transaction".  Life is not meant to be a long series of transactions.   It is meant to be transactions that give us the opportunity to be transformed through them.

Think about that this week..........and some of your "transactions" might turn into "transformation".

Strength and Honor,


Thursday, July 26, 2012


Hey all,

I went by a church sign today and it read.....

"God does not want you to keep score, HE wants you to play the game".

While many of the those church signs you see are pretty corny, I thought this one really spoke the truth.

Are you a scorekeeper or a player? 

Is your life focused on keeping score or is your life focused on being a player?    If you think about it, keeping score is always easier than playing the game isn't it?  It is far easier to sit back and judge the outcome than it is to actually play the game.  For some reason we sometimes think that we make a better judge than we do a player. 

But here's the thing......even though we may often think that our role is to be the scorekeeper, we are really called to "play" the be a participant.  To get in there and actually "play".  There is no better feeling than when we are engaged and "in the game"........when we "leave it all on the field".  God calls us to play, not keep score.  We are far more needed to be a player than a scorekeeper. 

And when we are playing............we always know what the score is.

Strength and Honor,


Thursday, July 19, 2012


Hey all,

Have you ever thought about what gifts you have?  What are you really good at?  What have you been blessed with?  Is there something that comes easy to you?

All of us are blessed with gifts.........spiritual gifts.  And I repeat.........all of us.  We all are given certain things that we are born to be good at. We are gifted, and deep down, we know it.  We know what we are good at.  It comes easy.

The question is....are we using our gifts?  Do we really believe that we what we are good at is a blessing?  The world would often tell us that what we are good at is not what is important.  It would tell us that even though we can do it well, it doesn't matter.  It doesn't "pay the bills".  It is irrelevant.     

I think that is wrong.

Whatever the Lord blessed you with as a gift is just that.......a gift.  It is a gift from HIM.  And a gift is something that is intended to be given away.  Our gifts are supposed to be given away.   To others.  HE wants us to give it away.  HE expects us to give it away.  

Don't hold back what you are good at.  Go for it.  Let your light shine.  Give it away. 

Someone needs it.

Strength and Honor,


Sunday, July 8, 2012

What We Most Need to Know

Hey all,

Have you ever heard the phrase...."we preach best what we most need to know"?  It means that the things we preach (or speak to others about) are often the things we "most need to know" ourselves.  In other words......most of what is placed on our hearts to say or do is often what we are dealing with as well.

I am reminded of this phrase every time I write something on this blog.  I heard a great pastor speak today and he reminded me again of how we should recognize this in our lives.  

So check this is not a bad thing.  It is ok to speak to something that we also need to know our self.  In fact, it is often better when we do this because we can include ourselves in it.  When we exclude ourselves from what we passionately speak about then we are in dangerous waters.  Arrogance and judgement sets in and the point is lost.  Our stories are filled with experiences that should and need to be shared.  And sometimes it is ok to be speaking to our current chapter in life.  It is ok to be speaking to what is going on right now in our lives. 

I often write about the things that "I most need to know" (or be reminded of).  Things that I may be processing through at the same moment.  It is "current chapter" stuff.

So what about you?  You don't have to be a Preacher or a writer / blogger for this to apply.  Maybe you are a Manager, a Teacher, a Coach, a Mentor, a Parent..........whatever role(s) you have.  None of us should be afraid to "preach the things that we most need to know our selves".  Don't be afraid of our own weaknesses or challenges.  Don't be afraid to share with others "things you may need to know yourself".  Maybe that other person in your life needs to hear it.  They may be in the same place.

I believe that we should not wait for the final chapter to be written in our stories before we share anything with others.

Someone may need the chapter we are in now.

Strength and Honor,


Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Hey all,

What are you anxious about?  Are there things going on in your life that have you in a state of "anxiety"?
Maybe it is work.  Maybe it is something with the kids.  Maybe it is something that you have "stepped" out of your comfort zone on and it has you really "anxious" about how it will work out? 

Don't you hate being anxious?  It drives us crazy sometimes doesn't it?  The worry and stress can really get to us.  It brings us down.  It takes away life.  We can miss the great moments of life because we are worried about how things are going to work out.  

But think about this.........where does that anxiety come from?  Really....think about that.  Where is it coming from?  If we are trusting in the Lord for ALL things......and I mean really trusting.........then where is that anxiety coming from?  Is it from HIM?  Does the Lord really want us to be "anxious" when we put our total and complete trust in HIM?  Does he want us to stress and worry about the things that we putting our trust in HIM to complete?  The thngs that we feel we have no control over.

Of course not.

HE is in complete control.  HE knows our steps before we take them.  HE knows what is going to happen before it happens.  He is the master planner and ultimate authority.  If we place our trust in HIM then regardless of how things work out, we are still in HIM.  And isn't that where we long to be anyway?  In HIM and with HIM.  When we realize and place our trust in that, then the worry and anxiety goes away because we are already at peace with the ultimate goal.......which is to knowing that we are in "step" with HIM. 

So next time you are worried and anxious about something, just remember that as long as we are in step with HIM, then our path is straight..........and.regardless of what the enemy tells us.........

Our worries (and anxiety) are few.

Strength and Honor,



Saturday, June 16, 2012


Hey all,

Who are your best friends? Friends that you know you can count on for anything.  As I get older, I am seeing all of my relationships and friends in a renewed light. 

I am a believer in a saying that my good friend Dan has said many times before.  He says that people are placed in our lives through one of three ways.....they are either in our lives....

- for a reason
- for a season
- for a lifetime

I have been reflecting on this recently and it is cool.  As we live "life", you can start to see how God has placed people in our lives for each of the above. 

First, don't miss the people that God has put in our path for a reason.  If we are not available, then we may miss a major message we need to hear through or from them.  Or God may need us to give them something that they need. 

Secondly, don't take for granted the people that are (or were) in our life for a season. While we may not see them as much anymore (or at all), don't lose the "fruit" that was given during that season with them.  Some of my fondest memories of friendship were for a season. 

Lastly, let's be thankful for those that were put in our life for a lifetime.  Lift them up and let them know what they mean to you.  It's crazy but they are often the one's we take for granted the most don't we?  Again, as we get older, it really starts to become clear who our lifetime friends are. They are our real "brothers and sisters".  Our core. 

So next time you are trying to figure out a relationship or just thinking about your friends.......remember that they may be for a reason........they may be for a season........or if we are really blessed......

For a lifetime.

Strength and Honor,


Monday, June 11, 2012


Hey all,

Focus is hard sometimes isn't it?  Let's face it, the world is full of distractions. We are pulled in many directions every day.  The tasks of life sometimes just seem to keep us away from the thing that we really want to focus on doesn't it? 

If you have been following this blog lately then you know that I have been writing a lot lately about our "calling" and what that looks like.  Our calling takes focus.  If we don't do it, no one will.  We have to focus. 

So think about this.  Jesus says in Matthew 7:13-14.

"Enter through the narrow gate.  For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction and many enter through it.  But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."

Think about that.  Only a few find it.  Why?  Because the distractions of life life constantly try and take us through the broad gate.  We are herded along like sheep into our daily and worldly distractions.................right through the big and wide broad gate.  And when we go through the broad gate, the distractions of the world keep us from focusing on our hearts true desires.  And it leads to destruction. The destruction of our calling.

Doing what we are "called" to do is hard.  It takes focus and effort.  It is no wonder few find it. 

But guess what?  We all have what it takes.  While the gate is narrow, if we "narrow" our focus, then we can find it.  We will find it.  It is worth the effort.  We can go down that the elusive narrow road.  The road that leads to life.  Don't be distracted.........narrow your focus and press on. 

And be one of the few.

Strength and Honor,


Monday, June 4, 2012


Hey all,

Are you waiting for something?  I don't mean like a package to come in the mail or for something to change in your circumstance.  I mean are you waiting on something before you engage in your "calling"?  The thing that calls on your heart to "go and do". 

But you are not sure?  So you wait.  Wait for the sign.  The proverbial "burning bush" moment. 

But it doesn't seem to come.  So you keep waiting.

For a lot of us, this "waiting" period can be really frustrating.  If you are like most, then you can get discouraged during this "desert" period in your life.  It is easy to get down over not hearing exactly what it is is that you are supposed to "go and do".  I believe that all us have a calling.  It is unique to us and if we don't do it.........then no one will.  But waiting for clarity can be difficult.  We want so badly to know what to do and when to do it.

Don't despair.  This time of waiting is set out from God to make us stronger.  

I am currently finishing a great book called "Change Agent" by Os Hillman and it has really been challenging me on why we seem to continually "wait" on our "calling" before we actually do anything. To go and be a Change Agent. 

Check this out........

Hillman says..."God is working while his Change Agents wait and wait and wait.  Each is being selected for a handpicked assignment.  This waiting is preparation for a greater depth of use and greater anointing that cannot be accomplished otherwise.  Because of the waiting and testing you endure, you will be given even greater authority.  The waiting period actually creates a level of authority for you to carry out your assignment from God." 

We all have an assignment to carry out that is uniquely given to us by God.  If we don't do it, then no one will.  But don't be frustrated by the waiting.  It is a time for us to become stronger.  To become clear on our mission.....our calling.

And when you have waited long enough....God will tell you.  Then it's time to act.  And guess what.......HE wants you to act on it.

If you don't do it, no one will. 

Strength and Honor,


Sunday, May 13, 2012


Hey all,

Have you ever felt lukewarm spiritually?  Not hot.............not cold.........but just lukewarm.  Middle of the road.  Vanilla.  Neutral.  Kind of like spiritual Switzerland.

Have you ever felt like you are too safe spiritually?  Secure. Conservative.  Everything is within your comfort zone. There is no risk.  All Cozy.  Comfortable.  Not playing offense........but not playing defense either.  On the sidelines. 

Sound familiar?  I think we all get there from time to time don't we?

But really................who wants to be be safe?  Who wants to be lukewarm?  

I believe all of us have a desire to fight for what is good.   We were made that way.  We were made to be "in" the game.........not on the sidelines.  We all have a role to play.  We know when we are "not" playing our role because eventually we get bored.  Bored spiritually.  We know it when it happens.  We feel bored.

But again.......who wants to be to be safe and lukewarm? 

Not me.  I want to be Dangerous.  I want to be Hot.  I want to be Dangerous for the Kingdom.  I want to be "in the fight".  I want to do things that are taking back "surrendered ground".  As my friend said recently, "I want to have scars in Heaven!".  Spiritual scars from being in the fight, not on the sidelines.  I want to be engaged. 

But we have to go out and make it happen.  It doesn't just happen naturally.  In fact, the enemy wants to do everything he can to keep it from happening.  He loves it when we are safe and lukewarm.  We are no threat.  We are not a danger to him at all.  So.....we have to get in the game.  The game doesn't come to us, we have to go to the game.  Play our role. 

What about you?  Are you feeling safe and lukewarm?

Maybe it's time to be Dangerous. 

For good.

Strength and Honor,


PS.....picture is from Golan Heights in Israel.  Old Israeli tank from the war.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Time Out!

Hey all,

Remember when you were a kid playing games and when you wanted it to just yelled......."Time out!"  It was like the law.  The game stopped.  You got a chance to catch  your breath, or recover from an injury, or go to the bathroom, or whatever.  It just stopped.  The universal and understood statement of "Time Out!"............would stop time.  And almost every was honored.  If you called was so. Man that was great wasn't it?  

Don't you wish it was that way now?

Unfortunately, there is no "Time Out" in Life.  We cannot ever shut it off.  Some days wouldn't it be great to just yell...."Time Out!".....and have time stand still.  Time to catch our breath. Time to recover.  Time to still.  Find rest for our soul.

So what do we do then? 

Actually.......we can find the rest we long for.  It is available.  But we have to actually walk through life to get it.  We have to make the choice.  We have to ask for the right way.....the good way........and then walk in it.  Walk in it. Not call "Time Out".....but actually walk.  Move forward.

Check out Jeremiah 6:16.

"Thus says the LORD:
“Stand by the roads, and look,
   and ask for the ancient paths,
where the good way is; and walk in it,
   and find rest for your souls.
But they said, ‘We will not walk in it.’

The Lord calls us to first stand at the roads (Life) and look.  Stand still long enough to take life in.  Then to ask the right way (through HIM)...............and then to walk.  To seek the good way (through HIM).  Then walk in it.  And we will find "rest for our souls".  Our life version of "Time Out".  The rest we seek.  It is available.  Through HIM.  Through Jesus. 

But check out the last verse......."But they said...we will not walk in it".  There is the choice.  We have to choose to walk in it. If we don't walk with HIM......there will be no rest.  No "Time Out".  No life.

I don't know about you............ but I am gonna keep walking. 

Are you?

Strength and Honor,


Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sail Away

Hey all,

Are you awake? Obviously you are reading this so you are physically awake, but that is not what I mean? Do you know what is going on around you? Are you aware? Are you engaged?

Life is happening all around us every single moment. Whether we decide to engage in it or not, life continues on. It keeps going. There is no pause button. We might hit our own internal "pause"button" on occasion (vacation, tv, book, etc..) but life still goes on. Events are unfolding every moment of every day. All over the world. All around us.

Are you awake to it? Are you engaged in it?  Do you know what is going on? 

If you answered no, you are not alone. Many of us are not awake. Many of us are not engaged. Many of us are spectators. Many of us watch life unfold all around us and react to what it brings. We are like a sailboat that has no captain and no rudder. We are left to the winds and waves of the worldly sea. Blown about by each circumstance and each new problem. Never knowing what is going to happen next. We cannot seem to find calm waters and when we doesn't last long. Sound familiar?

We have all been there. But check this out.....there is hope. There is life. There is a bigger story going on that we are a supposed to be part of.  I don't think life is supposed to just be a series of "storms" for us to endure.  We are part of a great story that is being written and we have a role to play in it.  We are needed.  If we don't do it, no one will.  They can't.  It is uniquely written for us. 

But first, We first have to allow the real "Captain" to take over.  Let HIM grab the rudder and set the sail.  HE has set the course for  you and I long ago.  Our story.  Our life.  Our part of the HIS bigger story.  If we don't play our part, no one will.  No one can.  This was set out only for us.

All we have to do is let go and ask HIM to take over.  And HE will.  HE will sail us to calm waters and take us on the great adventure of life.  HE knows the way.

Sail away!

Strength and Honor,


Monday, April 23, 2012

Compulsive Planning

Hey all,

Have you ever been so consumed with planning things in your life that you fail to live?  I read something this morning that really rocked my world,  Check this out.

"Walk with me in holy trust.  Responding to My initiatives rather than make things fit your plans. I died to set you free and that includes freedom from compulsive planning. When your mind spins with a multitude of thoughts, you cannot hear My voice. A mind preoccupied with planning pays homage to the idol of control. Turn from this idolatry and back to Me.  Listen to Me and live abundantly."

From "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young. that not dead on or what?  When we are so obsessed with our own plans, we cannot hear.  Our minds are "spinning" with all of the plans we feel that we have to make happen that we miss the very source of Life.  HIM!  In our efforts to plan out our life, we end up missing it.

Check out John 8:36, 10:27 and Proverbs 19:21 for some great wisdom on compulsive planning.

Compulsive planning?  Stop spinning and start listening. 

Abundanat Life.  Very cool.

Strength and Honor,


Sunday, April 15, 2012


Hey all,

Are you being pursued?  Do you feeling like you are being chased by something?  Are you constantly running this race called life?  Are you tired?  Exhausted?

I was thinking about this today.  Life can chase us can't it?  

Just take work as an example.  Our jobs require us to be in constant motion.  We are always trying to stay ahead of "the work".  We work and work and work and yet.........we never seem to get ahead.  It still is there the next day.  Ready to start the chase again.  Ready to pursue.  We start over again.  Running and running and running.  But to no is an endless cycle.

Or maybe it's all the stuff at home.  Too many things to do.  Constant race.  Always being pursued.  Kids, home, sports, church, financial obligations, social know what I am talking about.  Running and running and running.  Trying to stay ahead.  The pursuit feels exhausting at times.

Have you ever though about that? 

But it doesn't have to be that way. doesn't.

Life is meant to be pursued.........not to be "pursued" by it.  We are supposed to "live" life, not just be "living" in it.  Life is not supposed to be a game of tag.  Life should not be chasing us.   

We don't have to live that way.  Our time on this earth is given to us by the Lord to be the pursuer of it.  HE wants us to pursue life.  HE wants us to lead the way.  He wants us to make a difference.  HE wants us to be running, but NOT because we are being chased..............but because we are following HIM.  When we are following HIM.........we are "living: life.........not just "living" life.  We are leading by following.  We are meant to be conquerors of life through HIM.  Not to be conquered by life.  Wow......there is a big difference isn't there?

So ask yourself this week......Am I running because I am being pursued by life......or am I running because I am living life.  Maybe it's time to quit running and start leading.

By following.

Strength and Honor,


Sunday, April 8, 2012

Father and Masters,

Hey all,

There are certain things that happen in our lives that are truly memorable.  I had one of those yesterday. 

I had the blessing and privilege of spending the day with my Father at the Masters golf tournament in Augusta, GA.  My Dad is retired and works at a Golf obviously he loves golf.  While he is getting up there in years, he can still hit them pretty good too. He still beats me every time we play. 

Going to Augusta National to see the Masters was a very special day for him. A life long dream and "Bucket list" item.  It was special.  

It was even more special for me.  Besides just being at Augusta with all it's history and tradition............I was able to spend an entire day with my Dad.  We had a great time talking, hanging out, watching golf, and just enjoying the  beauty of Augusta and our day together. 

For those that have been to the Masters, you know that you cannot take in a camera or cell phone.  Your mental experience is all you can take with you.  Sure, you can buy stuff at the gift shop, but you have only your mind to take the memories with you.  It was great to be free for a day and not be distracted by the cell phone, email, text's.  We both relaxed and just enjoyed the day together.  Not distracted by anything but each other and the event. 

Too often we try and capture all of our "experiences" on camera, video, etc, then rush to post it on whatever social media we have. In our need to get it out to the public or capture it on photo or video.....we lose the memory of it completely.  We leave our mental memory card empty.  How often are you filling your mental memory card instead of using your camera phone?  If you are like me, not nearly enough.

After Friday with my Father at the mental memory card is full.    

And its not with golf.

Strength and Honor,


Monday, March 26, 2012

The Joy of Fishing

Hey all,

So I finally got out on my boat Saturday for a little bit of crappie fishing here in the great state of South Carolina.  I have not made time as of late for doing one of the things that makes me come alive so I was really looking forward to getting out on the water.  More importantly, I was really hoping I could finally catch some fish on this lake that I had yet to figure out.

After much aggravation and much longer than I was hoping it would take to get out on the water that morning......I finally made it out.  As I started my quickly went from optimism to more of the same aggravation that I had experienced many times before.  Besides the wind and rain that was had been 1-1/2 hours and I had yet to land one single fish.  Defeat was setting in and I was beginning to think I may never figure this place out. 

Then it changed.  But not how I thought it would. 

As I went to a new spot on the lake to try my luck, I had an encounter with two of the nicest men I believe I have ever met.  While floating into a cove, I came upon two older gentlemen who were fishing and absolutely having a blast.  They were laughing, joking, and ribbing each other (like fishermen do).  They each had a couple of poles in the water and catching fish.  Their attitude as infectious.  I was drawn to them.  As I floated nearby they promptly asked how I was doing?  "Not so well", I disclosed.  I told them I was hoping to catch a few but had not yet figured it out.  We exchanged pleasantries for a few minutes and as we did, they proceeded to catch several fish!  All of which from the area that I had just floated through and caught nothing.  They laughed and joked the entire time.  I could not help but feel their joy.  Even though I wasn't catching any, I started to feel better. 

While the man in the front of the boat was reeling yet another fish in, he began giving me pointers on what to do. 

"Go into the wind he said. That way.  Move slowly.  Fish about 10-15' deep.  You will get one.  Keep going along that line.  That's it.  There you go.  You'll get one.  Slowly now." 

And then....boom.  Fish on.  Then another. And another.  All the while, he is cheering me on.  "That a way, you are figuring it out now, way to go."  After fish number five and six, then the ribbing we were old friends...... "your starting to get something figured out over there aren't you?....maybe you need to tell me the secrets....are you holding out on me?"   It was so great.  We were bantering like old buddies, yet we had only met 20 minutes before. 

These two men not only had the joy of fishing, but they had joy in their hearts and it was real.  Real joy.  The kind that you can see, feel, and are drawn to.  We ended up fishing close to one another for the next hour and we had a blast.  Later, my other friends came by in their boat and the men gave them the same lessons as well.  Told them everything they knew and encouraged us all.    They would was really cool.

I cannot recall meeting men who were so nice.  So real.  So joyful. I want to be like that.

Don't you?

We never even had to tell each other our names.

Strength and Honor,


Sunday, March 18, 2012

A Meaningful Impact

Hey all,

What does it look like to have a "meaningful impact on someones life?" 

I think deep down, we all want to have an impact on others lives....but what really makes it "meaningful?"  Have you ever thought about that?  We all certainly have an ability to impact each other in some way, but are we trying to have an impact on them that is "meaningful"?   

Having a meaningful impact on others does take effort.  We have to be deliberate.  It has to be a goal.  If we just go about our day and take the interactions we have with others as just another part of our day.....then we are missing it.  We are just going through the motions.  Each relationship we have is just another transaction in our day.  Part of the routine of life.  We are completely missing the significance of our moments.  This can be at home, work, socially, etc..

But it doesn't have to be that way.  Check this out.

If we set out to have a "meaningful impact" on someone else's life, then we are more than just a participant in a transaction.  We are a catalyst.   We are aware of our moments, circumstances, relationships, etc..  In becoming aware, we become focused on others instead of ourselves.  We want to bring others our best each day.  We put our self behind and others first.  We engage.  We  become selfless.  The Lord loves it when we are selfless and we put others first.  We can do this by acting out of God's love for us.  When we act out of HIS love for us, HE can (and will) use us for HIS glory.  And guess what......others are impacted in a meaningful way.  Through us, not by us.  By HIM.  But we have to show up for that to happen.

When we make ourselves available and trust in God to put others ahead of our own agenda and desires.......then watch out.........God is gonna use us.  Big time!  HE will use us as a conduit to impact others.  To impact other people in a truly "meaningful way".  Again, we just have to allow HIM to love us, then "show up" and let HIM use us.

Challenge yourself this week when you are interacting with others by asking....."I am really available and bringing my best (what God has given me) to this person?"

I bet your day might become alot more meaningful to you and others.

Strength and Honor,


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Frog in the Kettle

Hey all,

I read a story recently that describes the culture in America today.  It went like this. 

There was a frog that jumped into a kettle of cool water not knowing the heat had been turned on. Gradually, the heat began to build and the frog adjusted to the warmer temperature of the water. However, when the heat became very hot, the frog did not notice until it was too late. It was already cooked and it died.  It never saw if coming.

We are often like the frog in this story.  We have been dropped into the water (which represents the world and the culture) and it slowly is heated up. But we don't realize it is warming.  We adjust to the heat.  We settle into the temperature (routine).  It sometimes even feels good to us.  But then, we realize it is starting to boil.  It doesn't feel good anymore.  Too hot.  It feels wrong.  We want out.  But it is too late. We are already cooked.  We are dead.  We have no life.

This is what the world can do to us.  The culture in society (i.e. the World...which is ruled by the enemy) wants to pull us into the water (the matrix) and slowly warm us up to the point that we are numb. When we are numb, we have no life.  It is a very gradual process and if we are not alert, we may not even know it is happening. 

The good news is that we can get out of the kettle whenever we choose.  We just have to recognize that we are in it.  When we do, then we can come against it and replace it with the truth.  More life.

And we will get out of the kettle.

Strength and Honor.


Sunday, March 4, 2012


Hey all,

I had an interesting visit with a friend this weekend.  He has been away since July and it was the first time that I have seen him since he left.  It was nice to finally catch up.

We had a great dialogue about his new location and the environment.  He summed up his perspective on the place as......"it is all about what people here deserve or don't deserve". 

I asked him to elaborate.

He told me that....."everything that everyone feels here is grounded in what they deserve or don't deserve. They process everything from that perspective.  If they did something then they deserve something in return.  If something bad happened to them, they feel like they don't deserve the circumstance or situation.  Everyone either deserves something or is a victim.  There are two camps here and most are in either one or the other.  You either feel you are entitled to something or you are the victim."

He went on to say...."what I have realized but most everyone else fails to realize is that both of these camps are wrong.  We have to come to a place in our faith where we realize that we don't ever "deserve" anything.  We deserve nothing.   Nothing that we do should be based on what we are going to get for doing it or not doing it.  We cannot live our lives feeling like it owes us something or that we deserve something.  Conversely, we cannot be trapped as the victim for what we "didn't deserve".  Our life cannot be all about how we are the victim of something that we didn't deserve. 

What we need to believe and put our faith in is that our Father, still loves us even though we don't deserve it.  HE loves us anyway. HE forgives us anyway.  We deserve nothing, yet HE loves us anyway.  This is called grace.  When we come to that place of belief, then we are set free of the selfishness that keeps us from being free.  We are free of feeling entitled to things we think we deserve and free of being the victim for stuff that happened to us that we didn't deserve".  

By the friend is in Prison.

I think he in on to something here.

Strength and Honor,


Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Hey all,

This weeks "Real Man" study with my son was on Honor.  Here are some highlights.  Check it out...we  used the following verse as our guide.
Proverbs 6:16:
Seven Things God Hates
   16 -19 Here are six things God hates,
    and one more that he loathes with a passion:
      eyes that are arrogant,
      a tongue that lies,
      hands that murder the innocent,
      a heart that hatches evil plots,
      feet that race down a wicked track,
      a mouth that lies under oath,
      a troublemaker in the family.
So in response, we as an Honorable Real Man (RM) we should.......
1.)    Show Honor by being humble, not arrogant.  God hates arrogance because it says that we are doing thing on our own.  It is because of our own doing.  The fact is that we cannot do anything on our own.  Humility is a beautiful thing and God loves us when we are humble.  HE loves us to give HIM the glory and honor for all that he does in our life.  We need to remember it is HE not I.
2.)    Show Honor by telling the truth.  Be a truth teller.  God hates a liar.  No one has a good enough memory to be a good liar.  There is no such thing.  When we have honor, we tell the truth.  The word Honesty and Honor are related!  See the connection.  A RM has the courage to tell the truth.
3.)    Honor others through our actions.  Don’t let the “murder” word keep you from missing the point here.  You can harm the innocent and still not “murder” them.  Solomon is saying….do things to serve others….not yourself.  Don’t do things that help you and hurt others.  A RM honors others by what he does.
4.)    Show honor by doing good things.  Evil is upon us in this world and the devil wants us to listen to his schemes and plans.  He will make them sound right to us.  But a RM of honor will know the difference.  A RM will have the wisdom and therefore the honor to know what is good and will use that to not get pulled into doing evil (bad) things.  God hates evil as much or more than anything!
5.)    Show honor by walking in the right path.  God hates in when we stray off the right path, but HE will always forgive us when we come back.  But HE hates it when we keep doing it.  HE still loves us, but HE hates it when we keep running down the wrong paths.  A RM knows the right way and takes that path.
6.)    Show honor by always speaking the truth.  Similar to number two, but with a twist.  What Solomon is saying here is that when asked specifically to be truthful about something, God hates it when you still lie.  Imagine being in court and placing your hand on the bible to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, and you still lie!  God hates that.  A RM of honor tries to always speak the truth but sometimes we might fail.  What God wants us to do is to always make sure the truth is known.  That in the moment of truth, we step forward with honor and tell the truth.
7.)    Show honor by not causing trouble.  No one likes a trouble maker.  God hates it when we do that.  A RM of honor does not allow his actions to start trouble and create problems with others.  We have to be responsible for what we do.  A RM takes the time to understand what his actions might do to others and is careful to avoid doing things that cause trouble.    
Remember......God NEVER hates us.  HE ALWAYS love us unconditionally.  Even when we mess up.  HE forgives us.  That is the what we call grace.  But it breaks HIS heart (hates it) when these things happen.  That said, if HE hates it when we do these things, then remember that HE loves it when we are honoring HIM by doing the right things.  That is called Honor.
Strength and Honor,

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Fruits and More Life

Hey all,

Check this out. When we think about what "More Life" looks like........this might help you see it more clearly.  It did for me while doing a study this week so I thought I would share.

Follow this.....

 - John 10:10 says that Jesus "came so we could have Life, and have it to the full".  There is more life to be lived.

 - Proverbs 4:23 says that "Above all else, guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life". Life comes from what is in our hearts.

 - Galatians 5:16 says "Live by the Spirit and you will not gratify the sinful nature".  We are to have the Spirit in our heart to fend off sin.

 - Galatians 5:22 says that "the fruits of the Spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control"".  The Spirit (More life) looks like the outward expression of the fruits of the Spirit.

So if we add all this up then it starts to make sense.

Using the statement below to prompt our thoughts and using the fruits of the Spirit as our is pretty easy to see.  My answers are below.

I feel "More Life" when.........

- I feel loved and am loving others outwardly
- I have joy in my heart that cannot be contained.  I am infectious. I am happy.
- I have a peace in my soul that helps me to not worry.
- I feel I am patient with others and worldly things, even when i don't think they don't deserve it:)
- I am kind to others without trying.
- I see the good in my circumstances and I am fighting for good.
- My faith is more important than the events of my day.
- I feel a compassion and gentle spirit towards others or circumstances.
- I can demonstrate self control on things I usually cannot.
- I am in step with the Spirit.

The Fruits of the Spirit are more life!  Try filling in the statements for yourself.

Strength and Honor,


Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Hey all,

I have been told by many of you that your comments are not coming through on the blog?  With the help of my friend Chris, I believe we have figured out why.

When you make a comment, please be sure to scroll to the bottom and fill in the word verification (so it knows you are a real person and not a robot).  Your comment should then post. 

Also, please register as a follower if you have time.  Thanks.

I would love to see your comments.




Monday, February 20, 2012

Captured by Fear

Hey all,

I recalled a story today that is thought provoking.  Check it out.

There was a notorious King who ruled a land back in the early first century.  During his rule, he had captured many enemies during the battles he lead.  All of the enemy soldiers that were captured alive remained in prison until their time came for judgement.  On the judgement day, the King would call for a group of the prisoners to be brought before him.  As the prisoners approached him, they feared for their lives because the King had a reputation for being a killer that was ruthless and heartless.  All who had been brought before him did not return. The prisoners believed all that had gone before them had met a terrible fate.

During the judgement, the King would give the same proposal to each prisoner that approached him.  His proposal was simple.  He would give them two options. 

Option one.... he would guarantee them a swift and painless death by guillotine.  They would not feel anything and death would come quickly and painlessly.

Option two.... he would offer each the opportunity to go through a door that was next to the judgement area and face an unknown fate.  He would give no further information.  Go through the door and find out your fate.

The King did this until all the prisoners had been judged.  Every prisoner that was judged chose option one. Ultimately, all prisoners were killed by their own choice.  Each chose a quick and painless death rather than take the unknown fate of the door.

Once all of the prisoners were killed, one of the guards approached the King and asked........"Your Highness, may I ask what is behind the door that no one chose to take?"

The King answered simply........."Freedom."

Wow.  Every prisoner that approached the King chose a "known" death rather than risk something unknown. They had developed a fear of something that actually did not exist.  Have you ever been so fearful of something unknown that you would accept a known "death" rather than take the risk and go into the "unknown"?  All too often we are afraid to go into that "unknown" area of our life.  We prefer the safety of what we know and are comfortable with.  Sometimes we may never take that risk.  We are captured by fear.  It has us paralyzed.  It might be a job change.  A new relationship.  A tough discussion with someone.  A new experience that we are unfamiliar with.  Our own version of the door of "unknown".

Think about that.  If we continue to live out of fear of our "unknown's", we may never experience all life has to offer.  The abundant life.  A new kind of life.  More life.

Strength and Honor,


Monday, February 13, 2012

Character Traits of a "Real Man"

Hey all,

It's been awhile since my last post so I want to catch you up on some things I have been up to.

I am in the process of going along on the journey with my son who entered into manhood in December when he turned 18.  Like my oldest son, who is now 22, I have tried to make it a priority to speak into their hearts about the character traits of "real man" before they are on there own.  When I say "real man", I am not talking about the traditional "manly" things that we often think of when we hear that term, but rather the honorable traits which a real "Godly" man possesses.  I want to make sure that I have taken the time to speak into their heart about what kind of values and character traits a "real man of God" has and what they mean. 

Let's face it, too many kids today are sent off into the adult world without anyone (especially parents) taking the time to tell their kids what character and value are and why it is important.  I am committed to doing my part as a parent to make sure that my kids know what things like Wisdom, Faith, Honor, Love, Respect, Grace, Compassion, Duty, and Truthfulness are, what they mean, and why they are essential to living a Godly and fulfilling life.

 He and I are getting together each week for the next three months leading up to his graduation to discuss each one of these topics.  Besides the obvious benefit of just spending great time together discussing and sharing these topics, the end result will also be a great resource of information for him to take with him and hopefully lean on as he goes on his journey through adulthood.

Along the way, I thought I would share some of what we are talking about.  I hope you enjoy and get something from it also.  Maybe you have a Son or Daughter you can share it with as well.

First lesson was on Wisdom.  Check out some highlights below.

Strength and Honor,


There is nothing else that more accurately describes the character trait of Wisdom than how it is defined in the Bible in Proverbs chapter 4.  Below is taken from The Message.
Your Life Is at Stake
   1 -2 Listen, friends, to some fatherly advice; sit up and take notice so you'll know how to live. I'm giving you good counsel;
   don't let it go in one ear and out the other.

   3 -9 When I was a boy at my father's knee,
   the pride and joy of my mother, He would sit me down and drill me:
   "Take this to heart. Do what I tell you—live! Sell everything and buy Wisdom! Forage for Understanding!
   Don't forget one word! Don't deviate an inch! Never walk away from Wisdom—she guards your life;
   love her—she keeps her eye on you. Above all and before all, do this: Get Wisdom!
   Write this at the top of your list: Get Understanding! Throw your arms around her—believe me, you won't regret it;
   never let her go—she'll make your life glorious. She'll garland your life with grace,
   she'll festoon your days with beauty."

   10 -15 Dear friend, take my advice;
   it will add years to your life. I'm writing out clear directions to Wisdom Way,
   I'm drawing a map to Righteous Road. I don't want you ending up in blind alleys,
   or wasting time making wrong turns. Hold tight to good advice; don't relax your grip.
   Guard it well—your life is at stake! Don't take Wicked Bypass;
   don't so much as set foot on that road. Stay clear of it; give it a wide berth.
   Make a detour and be on your way.

   16 -17 Evil people are restless
   unless they're making trouble; They can't get a good night's sleep
   unless they've made life miserable for somebody. Perversity is their food and drink,
   violence their drug of choice.

   18 -19 The ways of right-living people glow with light;
   the longer they live, the brighter they shine. But the road of wrongdoing gets darker and darker—
   travelers can't see a thing; they fall flat on their faces.

Learn It by Heart
   20 -22 Dear friend, listen well to my words;
   tune your ears to my voice. Keep my message in plain view at all times.
   Concentrate! Learn it by heart! Those who discover these words live, really live;
   body and soul, they're bursting with health.

   23 -27 Keep vigilant watch over your heart;
   that's where life starts. Don't talk out of both sides of your mouth;
   avoid careless banter, white lies, and gossip. Keep your eyes straight ahead;
   ignore all sideshow distractions. Watch your step,
   and the road will stretch out smooth before you. Look neither right nor left;
   leave evil in the dust.
The Message
So let’s break this down.
Notice how this verse starts off.  It starts with some “Fatherly advice”.  The advice from a Father (while it may not always right) should always come from love and a desire for their children to do right.  So when the author (Solomon) begins with this “Fatherly advice”… is very significant.  He is saying that what you are about to hear (read) is based out of love and a desire for you to do well.  He is saying…..please, please, please listen to me.  Don’t let it go in one ear and out the other. Take this serious. What you are about to hear is important!  The Father reference is also significant because it is a reference to our heavenly Father.  It is saying our God who loves us unconditionally, wants to give us some advice.  God wants to give us (you) some advice.  We probably ought to listen you think?
He goes on to say….”my Father told me this so please listen to me”.  Meaning that what he has to say has passed down through the generations and is proven to be true.  It is legitimate.  It is not just something that he thought up as a Dad to impress his kids.  This is the real deal and you need to listen to it like “I listened to it from my Father”.  He told me and now I am telling you.
Then he gets to the meat of the matter…………this word and character trait of Wisdom.  The concept of Wisdom is introduced as something to “sell everything you have and to go get”.  Man, talk about coming out the gate swinging!!  Boom……there it is.  Sell everything for this!!  What he is saying is that nothing is as important or as valuable as this!  Nothing!  OK…….you have my attention!!
Wisdom (which is referred to as a female because of the beauty and desire that can be associated with females) is to be sought after above all things.  Above ALL things!  Wow…that is pretty big huh?  Not only is it of great value, but she is worth the pursuit.  She is to be foraged (looked) for and savored (cherished).  We are to not forget one word she tells us.  So we are to go looking for Wisdom.  It is not just going to appear.  It has to be pursued.
    "Take this to heart. Do what I tell you—live! Sell everything and buy Wisdom! Forage for Understanding!
   Don't forget one word! Don't deviate an inch! Never walk away from Wisdom—she guards your life;
   love her—she keeps her eye on you. Above all and before all, do this: Get Wisdom!
   Write this at the top of your list: Get Understanding! Throw your arms around her—believe me, you won't regret it;
   never let her go—she'll make your life glorious. She'll garland your life with grace,
   she'll festoon your days with beauty."

And then…check this out….once we have her (Wisdom)….once we have committed to her……she will protect us.  She will guard us and keep her eye on us.  She will encircle our life with grace and beauty. 
So……sounds like getting Wisdom is pretty important doesn’t it?    
Then…..a warning.   
  15 Dear friend, take my advice;
   it will add years to your life. I'm writing out clear directions to Wisdom Way,
   I'm drawing a map to Righteous Road. I don't want you ending up in blind alleys,
   or wasting time making wrong turns. Hold tight to good advice; don't relax your grip.
   Guard it well—your life is at stake! Don't take Wicked Bypass;
   don't so much as set foot on that road. Stay clear of it; give it a wide berth.
   Make a detour and be on your way.

   16 -17 Evil people are restless
   unless they're making trouble; They can't get a good night's sleep
   unless they've made life miserable for somebody. Perversity is their food and drink,
   violence their drug of choice.

   18 -19 The ways of right-living people glow with light;
   the longer they live, the brighter they shine. But the road of wrongdoing gets darker and darker—
   travelers can't see a thing; they fall flat on their faces.

Solomon starts by saying……..I am telling you the way.  I am writing out clear directions for you.  I am drawing out the road map.  Just follow this map.  Don’t get off this road or trail off because if you do……it is going to get ugly real quick.  You will end up on wrong roads, dark alleys, and wasting your time.   He warns us to not take it lightly because our life depends on it.  The wrong roads are filled with evil and we should not even so much as set one foot on it!  If we do, then we will enter into darkness and the evil and bad that exists never stops.  The roads lead to more and more darkness.  He tells us that the right roads will be filled with light and the wrong roads are dark.  So how do we know the difference?  Wisdom is how we know….that is why he starts with telling us that we must pursue it (her) at all costs… we know the right road to take our journey on.
He ends this chapter by telling us again how important Wisdom is and why.  He tells us not to forget and to keep reminding ourselves of what is important.  Keep in it plain view.  Concentrate on it.  Learn it.  It is important and the key to really living.  We must be wise.   
He also tells us to stand guard over our hearts because that is where life starts.  Make sure that we protect the things in our heart.  He challenges us to keep the road in front of us.  That we shouldn’t veer to the left or right but instead, stay the course.  

   20 -22 Dear friend, listen well to my words;
   tune your ears to my voice. Keep my message in plain view at all times.
   Concentrate! Learn it by heart! Those who discover these words live, really live;
   body and soul, they're bursting with health.

   23 -27 Keep vigilant watch over your heart;
   that's where life starts. Don't talk out of both sides of your mouth;
   avoid careless banter, white lies, and gossip. Keep your eyes straight ahead;
   ignore all sideshow distractions. Watch your step,
   and the road will stretch out smooth before you. Look neither right nor left;
   leave evil in the dust.
The Message
In summary…..Solomon is telling us that we first seek Wisdom because without it, nothing else can come.  We must seek to become wise.  It doesn’t just happen.  When we pursue what is good and wise, we are more likely to have a good and fruitful life.  When we are pursuing things that are evil and unwise, our life will be dark and full of wrong turns.  It is by seeking Wisdom that we can know the difference in the paths set before us.

“Real Man” -  WISDOM
-          WISDOM takes sacrifice.  It has a cost and requires a lot of us.
-          WISDOM is gained by listening.  Value the advice of their mentors and peers.
-          WISDOM has to be pursued.  It does not just “happen”.  It takes effort.
-          WISDOM will protect you.  It helps you know what evil looks like and how to avoid it.