Thursday, September 20, 2012

A Few Words

Hey all,

My good friend is taking his 13 year old Son through his "Rite of Passage" into manhood.  He asked some of his close friends to write his Son "a few words" of encouragment.  I thought I what share with you what I told him. 


You have what it takes.  I repeat, you have what it takes!  Don't ever let the enemy or this world tell you different.

_____, the world is full of young men who never really grow up to be "Real Men". Don't be one of those guys.  Ground yourself in the identity that you have in Christ. Always live in that strength and you will never be deceived about who you really are.  You will always know your true self.  Your true heart.

Secondly, don't be afraid to "Dig your ditch". The Lord calls us to put forth effort and do our part (Dig our ditch) in preparation for the rain (Gods blessings) to come.  Don't be one of those that expects the blessings but won't do the work in preparation for them.  Don't be lazy, be a worker.  It will carry you far.  You will be surrounded by lazy people...........don't be like them.  

Lastly, don't be afraid to show your heart to others.  Be a man who is secure and can show his emotions.  Give love and don't be afraid to receive it.  Love is a good thing.  You need it and others do as well.  Don't hold it from anyone, including yourself.

You have what it takes.  You are on your way.  Walk the path.

Strength and Honor,

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