Monday, September 3, 2012

Transaction or Transformed

Hey all,

The world we live in is transactional.  Have you ever thought about that?

Every day we are engaged in "transactions".  You give something, you get something.  It consumes our lives.  You show up and give something and then we expect something in return.  Think about it......what do you do everyday?  Almost everything we do is about giving something to get something.  We swipe our credit card and we get something.  We hand over our money, we get something in return.  We give some of our time, then we get something.  The transaction is over...and we are on to the next one.  Whether it is work, or grocery shopping, or buying something it just a transaction.  Our days are filled with them.  Give something......get something.  It never ends. 

We can't avoid it.  It is part of our everyday life.  It is how the world works.  It is what makes the days fly by and our lives to seem empty.

But we all want something more.  And it really has an impact on our life overall.  Don't you want to do something that is not a transaction?   Don't you want to do something with meaning?  We all do.  I do.

Our hearts long to be transformed.  To be doing things that have transformational value.  Not just another transaction.  We all long to be transformed.  Changed from the inside.  Not just another silly transaction. 

This is why we seek other things in our life that are not just another transaction.  We seek relationships.  We love the message of a good book.  We love hearing other peoples stories.  We love the tale of the journey.  It motivates us.  It calls us to move.  We want the transformation of our hearts.  Not just another transaction.  But how?

I am convinced that this is why so many of us are frustrated.  We are tired of the transaction.  We don't want another book.  We don't want just another great message at Church.  We don't want another weekend retreat....or a small group.  What we want is the transformation of the things we hear that move our hearts.  We want our lives to change.  To be transformed.  To become the things we believe and desire. It is the small voice that calls on our hearts on a daily basis but we don't know how to respond to it.  While we love the things mentioned above, when it doesn't transform, then it feels like another transaction.

But transformation is available.  We can be transformed. The challenge is to not let the transactional world we live in dominate our existence.  We cannot live our lives going from one thing to the next.  We have to see the opportunity for transformation in our lives and allow it to happen.  We have to stop seeing our daily transactions as merely getting something.....but to start seeing them as giving something.  Transformation is available every day in our transactions........the key is to start seeing them as what they actually are.......which is an opportunity to be transformed or to transform someone else through the "transaction".  Life is not meant to be a long series of transactions.   It is meant to be transactions that give us the opportunity to be transformed through them.

Think about that this week..........and some of your "transactions" might turn into "transformation".

Strength and Honor,


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