Thursday, July 26, 2012


Hey all,

I went by a church sign today and it read.....

"God does not want you to keep score, HE wants you to play the game".

While many of the those church signs you see are pretty corny, I thought this one really spoke the truth.

Are you a scorekeeper or a player? 

Is your life focused on keeping score or is your life focused on being a player?    If you think about it, keeping score is always easier than playing the game isn't it?  It is far easier to sit back and judge the outcome than it is to actually play the game.  For some reason we sometimes think that we make a better judge than we do a player. 

But here's the thing......even though we may often think that our role is to be the scorekeeper, we are really called to "play" the be a participant.  To get in there and actually "play".  There is no better feeling than when we are engaged and "in the game"........when we "leave it all on the field".  God calls us to play, not keep score.  We are far more needed to be a player than a scorekeeper. 

And when we are playing............we always know what the score is.

Strength and Honor,


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