Sunday, July 8, 2012

What We Most Need to Know

Hey all,

Have you ever heard the phrase...."we preach best what we most need to know"?  It means that the things we preach (or speak to others about) are often the things we "most need to know" ourselves.  In other words......most of what is placed on our hearts to say or do is often what we are dealing with as well.

I am reminded of this phrase every time I write something on this blog.  I heard a great pastor speak today and he reminded me again of how we should recognize this in our lives.  

So check this is not a bad thing.  It is ok to speak to something that we also need to know our self.  In fact, it is often better when we do this because we can include ourselves in it.  When we exclude ourselves from what we passionately speak about then we are in dangerous waters.  Arrogance and judgement sets in and the point is lost.  Our stories are filled with experiences that should and need to be shared.  And sometimes it is ok to be speaking to our current chapter in life.  It is ok to be speaking to what is going on right now in our lives. 

I often write about the things that "I most need to know" (or be reminded of).  Things that I may be processing through at the same moment.  It is "current chapter" stuff.

So what about you?  You don't have to be a Preacher or a writer / blogger for this to apply.  Maybe you are a Manager, a Teacher, a Coach, a Mentor, a Parent..........whatever role(s) you have.  None of us should be afraid to "preach the things that we most need to know our selves".  Don't be afraid of our own weaknesses or challenges.  Don't be afraid to share with others "things you may need to know yourself".  Maybe that other person in your life needs to hear it.  They may be in the same place.

I believe that we should not wait for the final chapter to be written in our stories before we share anything with others.

Someone may need the chapter we are in now.

Strength and Honor,


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