Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sail Away

Hey all,

Are you awake? Obviously you are reading this so you are physically awake, but that is not what I mean? Do you know what is going on around you? Are you aware? Are you engaged?

Life is happening all around us every single moment. Whether we decide to engage in it or not, life continues on. It keeps going. There is no pause button. We might hit our own internal "pause"button" on occasion (vacation, tv, book, etc..) but life still goes on. Events are unfolding every moment of every day. All over the world. All around us.

Are you awake to it? Are you engaged in it?  Do you know what is going on? 

If you answered no, you are not alone. Many of us are not awake. Many of us are not engaged. Many of us are spectators. Many of us watch life unfold all around us and react to what it brings. We are like a sailboat that has no captain and no rudder. We are left to the winds and waves of the worldly sea. Blown about by each circumstance and each new problem. Never knowing what is going to happen next. We cannot seem to find calm waters and when we doesn't last long. Sound familiar?

We have all been there. But check this out.....there is hope. There is life. There is a bigger story going on that we are a supposed to be part of.  I don't think life is supposed to just be a series of "storms" for us to endure.  We are part of a great story that is being written and we have a role to play in it.  We are needed.  If we don't do it, no one will.  They can't.  It is uniquely written for us. 

But first, We first have to allow the real "Captain" to take over.  Let HIM grab the rudder and set the sail.  HE has set the course for  you and I long ago.  Our story.  Our life.  Our part of the HIS bigger story.  If we don't play our part, no one will.  No one can.  This was set out only for us.

All we have to do is let go and ask HIM to take over.  And HE will.  HE will sail us to calm waters and take us on the great adventure of life.  HE knows the way.

Sail away!

Strength and Honor,


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