Sunday, April 15, 2012


Hey all,

Are you being pursued?  Do you feeling like you are being chased by something?  Are you constantly running this race called life?  Are you tired?  Exhausted?

I was thinking about this today.  Life can chase us can't it?  

Just take work as an example.  Our jobs require us to be in constant motion.  We are always trying to stay ahead of "the work".  We work and work and work and yet.........we never seem to get ahead.  It still is there the next day.  Ready to start the chase again.  Ready to pursue.  We start over again.  Running and running and running.  But to no is an endless cycle.

Or maybe it's all the stuff at home.  Too many things to do.  Constant race.  Always being pursued.  Kids, home, sports, church, financial obligations, social know what I am talking about.  Running and running and running.  Trying to stay ahead.  The pursuit feels exhausting at times.

Have you ever though about that? 

But it doesn't have to be that way. doesn't.

Life is meant to be pursued.........not to be "pursued" by it.  We are supposed to "live" life, not just be "living" in it.  Life is not supposed to be a game of tag.  Life should not be chasing us.   

We don't have to live that way.  Our time on this earth is given to us by the Lord to be the pursuer of it.  HE wants us to pursue life.  HE wants us to lead the way.  He wants us to make a difference.  HE wants us to be running, but NOT because we are being chased..............but because we are following HIM.  When we are following HIM.........we are "living: life.........not just "living" life.  We are leading by following.  We are meant to be conquerors of life through HIM.  Not to be conquered by life.  Wow......there is a big difference isn't there?

So ask yourself this week......Am I running because I am being pursued by life......or am I running because I am living life.  Maybe it's time to quit running and start leading.

By following.

Strength and Honor,


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