Monday, February 20, 2012

Captured by Fear

Hey all,

I recalled a story today that is thought provoking.  Check it out.

There was a notorious King who ruled a land back in the early first century.  During his rule, he had captured many enemies during the battles he lead.  All of the enemy soldiers that were captured alive remained in prison until their time came for judgement.  On the judgement day, the King would call for a group of the prisoners to be brought before him.  As the prisoners approached him, they feared for their lives because the King had a reputation for being a killer that was ruthless and heartless.  All who had been brought before him did not return. The prisoners believed all that had gone before them had met a terrible fate.

During the judgement, the King would give the same proposal to each prisoner that approached him.  His proposal was simple.  He would give them two options. 

Option one.... he would guarantee them a swift and painless death by guillotine.  They would not feel anything and death would come quickly and painlessly.

Option two.... he would offer each the opportunity to go through a door that was next to the judgement area and face an unknown fate.  He would give no further information.  Go through the door and find out your fate.

The King did this until all the prisoners had been judged.  Every prisoner that was judged chose option one. Ultimately, all prisoners were killed by their own choice.  Each chose a quick and painless death rather than take the unknown fate of the door.

Once all of the prisoners were killed, one of the guards approached the King and asked........"Your Highness, may I ask what is behind the door that no one chose to take?"

The King answered simply........."Freedom."

Wow.  Every prisoner that approached the King chose a "known" death rather than risk something unknown. They had developed a fear of something that actually did not exist.  Have you ever been so fearful of something unknown that you would accept a known "death" rather than take the risk and go into the "unknown"?  All too often we are afraid to go into that "unknown" area of our life.  We prefer the safety of what we know and are comfortable with.  Sometimes we may never take that risk.  We are captured by fear.  It has us paralyzed.  It might be a job change.  A new relationship.  A tough discussion with someone.  A new experience that we are unfamiliar with.  Our own version of the door of "unknown".

Think about that.  If we continue to live out of fear of our "unknown's", we may never experience all life has to offer.  The abundant life.  A new kind of life.  More life.

Strength and Honor,



  1. Great story Scott! I would choose option number one all the time before putting my faith in the Lord! Now I look forward to option number 2.

    "For I know the plans I have for you" says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11


  2. Thanks Todd. Narrow is the gate and few find it!
    Way to go.


