Sunday, March 18, 2012

A Meaningful Impact

Hey all,

What does it look like to have a "meaningful impact on someones life?" 

I think deep down, we all want to have an impact on others lives....but what really makes it "meaningful?"  Have you ever thought about that?  We all certainly have an ability to impact each other in some way, but are we trying to have an impact on them that is "meaningful"?   

Having a meaningful impact on others does take effort.  We have to be deliberate.  It has to be a goal.  If we just go about our day and take the interactions we have with others as just another part of our day.....then we are missing it.  We are just going through the motions.  Each relationship we have is just another transaction in our day.  Part of the routine of life.  We are completely missing the significance of our moments.  This can be at home, work, socially, etc..

But it doesn't have to be that way.  Check this out.

If we set out to have a "meaningful impact" on someone else's life, then we are more than just a participant in a transaction.  We are a catalyst.   We are aware of our moments, circumstances, relationships, etc..  In becoming aware, we become focused on others instead of ourselves.  We want to bring others our best each day.  We put our self behind and others first.  We engage.  We  become selfless.  The Lord loves it when we are selfless and we put others first.  We can do this by acting out of God's love for us.  When we act out of HIS love for us, HE can (and will) use us for HIS glory.  And guess what......others are impacted in a meaningful way.  Through us, not by us.  By HIM.  But we have to show up for that to happen.

When we make ourselves available and trust in God to put others ahead of our own agenda and desires.......then watch out.........God is gonna use us.  Big time!  HE will use us as a conduit to impact others.  To impact other people in a truly "meaningful way".  Again, we just have to allow HIM to love us, then "show up" and let HIM use us.

Challenge yourself this week when you are interacting with others by asking....."I am really available and bringing my best (what God has given me) to this person?"

I bet your day might become alot more meaningful to you and others.

Strength and Honor,


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