Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Frog in the Kettle

Hey all,

I read a story recently that describes the culture in America today.  It went like this. 

There was a frog that jumped into a kettle of cool water not knowing the heat had been turned on. Gradually, the heat began to build and the frog adjusted to the warmer temperature of the water. However, when the heat became very hot, the frog did not notice until it was too late. It was already cooked and it died.  It never saw if coming.

We are often like the frog in this story.  We have been dropped into the water (which represents the world and the culture) and it slowly is heated up. But we don't realize it is warming.  We adjust to the heat.  We settle into the temperature (routine).  It sometimes even feels good to us.  But then, we realize it is starting to boil.  It doesn't feel good anymore.  Too hot.  It feels wrong.  We want out.  But it is too late. We are already cooked.  We are dead.  We have no life.

This is what the world can do to us.  The culture in society (i.e. the World...which is ruled by the enemy) wants to pull us into the water (the matrix) and slowly warm us up to the point that we are numb. When we are numb, we have no life.  It is a very gradual process and if we are not alert, we may not even know it is happening. 

The good news is that we can get out of the kettle whenever we choose.  We just have to recognize that we are in it.  When we do, then we can come against it and replace it with the truth.  More life.

And we will get out of the kettle.

Strength and Honor.


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