Monday, June 4, 2012


Hey all,

Are you waiting for something?  I don't mean like a package to come in the mail or for something to change in your circumstance.  I mean are you waiting on something before you engage in your "calling"?  The thing that calls on your heart to "go and do". 

But you are not sure?  So you wait.  Wait for the sign.  The proverbial "burning bush" moment. 

But it doesn't seem to come.  So you keep waiting.

For a lot of us, this "waiting" period can be really frustrating.  If you are like most, then you can get discouraged during this "desert" period in your life.  It is easy to get down over not hearing exactly what it is is that you are supposed to "go and do".  I believe that all us have a calling.  It is unique to us and if we don't do it.........then no one will.  But waiting for clarity can be difficult.  We want so badly to know what to do and when to do it.

Don't despair.  This time of waiting is set out from God to make us stronger.  

I am currently finishing a great book called "Change Agent" by Os Hillman and it has really been challenging me on why we seem to continually "wait" on our "calling" before we actually do anything. To go and be a Change Agent. 

Check this out........

Hillman says..."God is working while his Change Agents wait and wait and wait.  Each is being selected for a handpicked assignment.  This waiting is preparation for a greater depth of use and greater anointing that cannot be accomplished otherwise.  Because of the waiting and testing you endure, you will be given even greater authority.  The waiting period actually creates a level of authority for you to carry out your assignment from God." 

We all have an assignment to carry out that is uniquely given to us by God.  If we don't do it, then no one will.  But don't be frustrated by the waiting.  It is a time for us to become stronger.  To become clear on our mission.....our calling.

And when you have waited long enough....God will tell you.  Then it's time to act.  And guess what.......HE wants you to act on it.

If you don't do it, no one will. 

Strength and Honor,


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