Sunday, May 13, 2012


Hey all,

Have you ever felt lukewarm spiritually?  Not hot.............not cold.........but just lukewarm.  Middle of the road.  Vanilla.  Neutral.  Kind of like spiritual Switzerland.

Have you ever felt like you are too safe spiritually?  Secure. Conservative.  Everything is within your comfort zone. There is no risk.  All Cozy.  Comfortable.  Not playing offense........but not playing defense either.  On the sidelines. 

Sound familiar?  I think we all get there from time to time don't we?

But really................who wants to be be safe?  Who wants to be lukewarm?  

I believe all of us have a desire to fight for what is good.   We were made that way.  We were made to be "in" the game.........not on the sidelines.  We all have a role to play.  We know when we are "not" playing our role because eventually we get bored.  Bored spiritually.  We know it when it happens.  We feel bored.

But again.......who wants to be to be safe and lukewarm? 

Not me.  I want to be Dangerous.  I want to be Hot.  I want to be Dangerous for the Kingdom.  I want to be "in the fight".  I want to do things that are taking back "surrendered ground".  As my friend said recently, "I want to have scars in Heaven!".  Spiritual scars from being in the fight, not on the sidelines.  I want to be engaged. 

But we have to go out and make it happen.  It doesn't just happen naturally.  In fact, the enemy wants to do everything he can to keep it from happening.  He loves it when we are safe and lukewarm.  We are no threat.  We are not a danger to him at all.  So.....we have to get in the game.  The game doesn't come to us, we have to go to the game.  Play our role. 

What about you?  Are you feeling safe and lukewarm?

Maybe it's time to be Dangerous. 

For good.

Strength and Honor,


PS.....picture is from Golan Heights in Israel.  Old Israeli tank from the war.

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