Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Rise Above

Hey all,

We all know that there is a natural thing that happens on this earth called gravity.  It is what keeps us on the ground.  It is a consistent pull.  It never lets up. It is a constant here on earth and allows for us to exist.  Gravity a good thing.

However, I also believe that there is a "spiritual gravity" that also exists on this earth.   It is also a constant pull, just like regular gravity. It's sole purpose is also to keep us down on the ground. It also never lets up. 

But this spiritual gravity is not a good thing.

Check this out.

The spiritual gravity is against us.  It wants to keep us down and keep us from "rising above" the worldly things and to grow in our spirit and faith.  It is controlled by the world and the enemy who rules it.  The "problems and circumstances" of everyday life is what we call spiritual gravity.  It can drag us down.  It can be heavy.  It can keep us in the small spaces of life where we cannot see the big picture.  It can make us feel insignificant.  It can make us lose hope.     

But spiritual gravity can be overcome. It can be conquered. We can rise above it.  It does not have to be a constant in our life.  It is a choice.  We don't have to be controlled by it.

We are not destined to be on the "spiritual ground" our entire lives.  We can rise above it.  We can overcome our "small spaces" and rise above them.  We can fly higher into the larger spaces and find the peace and siginificance we are looking for.  We can overcome it if we choose to. 

 1 John 5:4 says......"For everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith." 

As soon as we realize that if we are born of God then we have the power to overcome the issues of this world.........then we can break free.  We can rise.  We can leave the small story and live in God's bigger story.  We can approach our problems of life with a sense of spiritual freedom.  We will still have our circumstances and issues this life bring us, but when we lean on the truth and our faith, knowing that we can overcome through HIM, then we can............... 

Rise above.

Strength and Honor,




1 comment:

  1. Thanks…I like the analogy – the chains that bind us to the ground as so often thick, heavy and have just enough slack to give us a sliver of hope that if we try just a little bit harder we can break free only to hit the limits of human effort and crash back down….only through Christ and his restorative presence in our lives can the chains be severed in such a way that we can soar…love it! You have brought a much needed reminder to my season. Love you, brother.
