Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Riding Dragons

Hey all.

The third "Be" in the 12 Be's is to "Be Brave". 

Simply put......this quote sums up what I believe it means to "be Brave" in our faith.

All of us think that to be Brave we must slay the "Dragon" in our life.  We must grab hold of it and kill it. 

We try and we try and we try to kill it...............but we can't.  It won't die.

But check this out..........I don't think that is what it means to be brave in our faith.  Bravery is not taking on a battle every day that we never can win. 

Instead......we are called to ride it.  Ride the dragon in your life.  Don't try to kill it....but instead.....turn towards it and jump on it and ride it.  We can't live our lives afraid of our Dragons.  We cannot let them have control over us.  When we are Brave.......we can move towards our Dragons instead of running away from them.  

You see......our faith does not call us to try and kill it......but rather to stand in our faith and get on it and take authority over it through the power and grace of Jesus.  Ride that thing...........take it the 8 seconds.  Show it that it doesn't control us.  Don't be afraid.   If we lean on HIM, we can do it.  

Matthew 19:26 says......  "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."

That is what Bravery looks like to me.  The Bravery and faith to turn into our "Dragons" and take them on head to head.  To be Brave enough to get on that Dragon and ride it out knowing that HE is with us...

And know that all things are possible through HIM.................when we are Brave enough to take them on.



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