Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The 12 "Be's"

Hey all,

I have been thinking lately about what we are called "to be" as Believers.  God calls us to "be" certain things to fulfill our role in HIS story.

While it is certainly not everything we are called to "be".....I have come up with what I feel are 12 things that HE calls us to "be" in our life. 

I am calling them the "12 Be's".   Here you go.

HE calls us to.....

Be Strong
Be Courageous
Be Brave
Be Faithful
Be Willing
Be Available
Be Open
Be Honest
Be Loving
Be Selfless
Be Serving
Be Generous

I hope to write in more detail about each one in the coming weeks and how each is grounded in the scripture.  Hope you get something out of each.

Strength and Honor,


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