Monday, December 8, 2014


Hey all.

Jesus told Peter on the night before he was crucified......."Will you really lay down your life for me?  I tell you the truth, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times".

Peter was shocked!  There was no way that he would disown Jesus. possible way.  Peter felt like he had already laid down his life for Jesus.  He had given up everything and had been following him for months already.  How could Jesus say that he would disown him?  I would guess that Peter could not even get his mind around it.  There is no way that he would deny him.  No way! 

But he did.  It happened.  Before the rooster crowed, Peter disowned him not once, not twice, but three times......just as Jesus had predicted.   

How could someone as dedicated to Jesus as Peter ever disown him?  How could he not be fully dedicated?  How could he not pass that "test"?  And if Peter could not pass the test.........then how can we?  I mean can we?

Check this out. 

Peter was set up.  Jesus knew that he would deny knowing him.  But he also knew that Peter really had given his life to him.  He had given up everything to follow him.  He knew that Peter loved him deeply, but he also knew that Peter was just a man and that meant he was not perfect.  He would mess up.  He knew that he would feel pressure and he would respond to it.  Jesus knew that Peter would deny that he knew the one he loved.  But that did not mean that Peter didn't love him.  He did.  Deeply.  But Peter was a man...and he was broken.  He could not help it. 

Peter was just like us.

We have to remember that although we love Him and would say that we would lay down our life for him..............we are still not perfect.  We will end up denying him too.  But probably not in the way Peter did. Our way is more subtle.  Our way is less noticeable.  We may not deny him with a mob that is surrounding us........but it is still the same.  It is denying Him.  We deny Him with our actions.

We might fail to act on a voice we hear telling us to do something.  We might refuse to give away our talents.  We may not follow our heart when we know it is clearly telling us to act on a certain something.  We may withhold forgiveness.  In doing so......we deny what the Lord is telling us to do.  And in those times.....................we are  "denying him".   It is the same thing as Peter.

We just don't hear the rooster.

Strength and Honor,


Sunday, November 30, 2014

Even if you were told......

Hey all,

Have you ever seen something happen that you could not believe.......even after you saw it with your own eyes?  It was unbelievable.  But it was real. You could not deny it.

Have you ever had someone tell you something about a future event and at the time you didn't believe it.  Then it happened.  It was real.  You could not deny it.

Sometimes.......we can unknowingly fall into a spirit of disbelief.   Simply put......we start to lose our belief in certain things becoming real in our lives.  In good things.  We start to lose belief in those desires and opportunities that we or others see.  We believe that doing "that thing" is just impossible...........that there are just too many immovable obstacles.  We cannot believe "it" can be done.  We all have our own "it" in our life.  It can keep us from moving forward on those things in our life.  Important things...........things that we dream about.  The deep convictions of our heart.  But we cannot see the way to it ever becoming real.............we cannot seem to get our mind around it.  So we don't move forward.  It remains a dream.

But check this out.  God is in the miracle business and what HE can do through us is immeasurably more than we can ever do on our own.  I was reminded of this today by Pastor Derwin Gray of  Transformation Church.

Check out Ephesians 3:20.     

"Now to HIM who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,"

Notice that it says that HE can do more than all we ask or imagine.  As big as we can make something in our mind......HE is able to do so much more than that.  We cannot even get our minds around what HE can do.  We cannot get our minds to be able to ask or even imagine what HE can do! 

But here is the good news.   If we have the courage to believe that HE is real and that HE can make it real through us.........then we should never fall into a that spirit of disbelief.  Our belief is founded in HIS ability, not our own. 

So the next time you find yourself falling into a spirit of sure to remind yourself that GOD can do things through us that we cannot even understand.  HE can do things that you probably would not be able to believe.......

......even if you were told.

Strength and Honor,



Sunday, November 16, 2014

Your time here

Hey all,

I went to the funeral of a work associate and friend this week.  His name was Victor.  He died of brain cancer after a long battle over the last 2-1/2 years.  I was blessed to have known him during our short time that our paths crossed.  I will always remember him and especially his testimony he gave last year at our Christmas party while in the middle of his battle with cancer.

Victor was a man who made the most of his life.  He was a very quiet man but he was on a mission.  Once he came to know the Lord....he set about on a mission to make sure that everyone would know that the Lord he knew was available to them as well.  He had a passion to let others know about his "Jesus".  He was a quiet soldier.  When he was asked by a friend....."Do you ever wonder....why did this happen to me?".  Victor answered......."I have never asked that......instead I asked....Why not me?".  Victor never questioned the plan the Lord had for his life......regardless of the outcome. 

Not many of us will have the opportunity to "plan" our funeral....but Victor did.  He knew exactly what he wanted.  He laid out exactly what he wanted and what he wanted everyone to hear.   It was simple. 

Do you know Jesus?

Do you know that HE loves you?

Do you know that HE is waiting for you?

Do you know that HE is the ONLY way to truly be "free"?

All Victor wanted was to make sure that you know that the same Jesus that saved him wants to save you too.  His love for others to come to the Lord was inspiring.
Victor did all he could in his generation to bring others to know his Saviour. 

I was reminded that this is really all of our shared purpose in this life as believers.

It made me want to do more for HIM in my generation as well.

Thank you Victor. 

Strength and Honor,


Sunday, September 28, 2014

Building Bridges

Hey all,

Ever think of yourself as a Bridge Builder?  Some of you are probably thinking....."I can't hammer a nail......let alone build a bridge!"  Don't worry, that is not what I am talking about.

Check this out.

The Latin definition for the Royal Priest that existed in biblical times is...." Bridge builder".  It means that the role of the priest was to "bridge" the gap between man and God.  They were the conduit for how man could connect with God.  We now know that when Jesus arrived on the scene, he gave us  direct access to the Father through his death on the cross and his resurrection.  We now don't need a priest to have access to God......that bridge is forever built by Jesus and is available for us if we accept him as our savior.

With that concept in mind, I believe that there are areas in our life and our world where there are "bridges" that still need built. Think about it.......there so many "gaps" that exist in the world today that keep people's needs from being served.  They are all around us.  Wherever there is a need......there is most likely a gap that remains for that need to be served.  Sadly, in most cases....the need is not being met. The gap is not being filled.   It will remain a need in our world until........someone steps in and "builds the bridge".  It takes someone to build the bridge between the solution(s) and the need.  It takes someone to connect influence and opportunity to the need.  It takes someone to say...."I can influence that and I am going to do something about it."  It might be a need in the community, or the church, or the school.  It might be a broken relationship at home or at work.  Whatever it is........there is one thing for sure.  It will never be served or solved until someone steps in........................................and "builds a bridge".

Is it going to be you?



Sunday, May 11, 2014


Hey all,

Did you ever meet someone who was/is famous or someone who is well known for something?  Maybe it was someone who had accomplished something significant?  Maybe it was someone who invented something that changed the way the world did something?  Maybe it was an author or speaker?  The world is full of people who have accomplished some very significant things. 

I have been blessed to meet some of these people and I have realized something common among them all.  All of them were ordinary people.  They were just like me.  Ordinary.  Oh sure, they had a different background or education, but at the end of the day...they were just as ordinary as me.  They were ordinary people.  The same as you and me. 

But here is the thing.....even though they were ordinary, God used them for something extraordinary.  And they were willing to go and do it.  They were willing to be extraordinary in their ordinary life.

You see, God uses ordinary people like us to do his extraordinary works.  Some of those works are very public and have dramatic impacts on many.....while other works are smaller in notoriety but are no less significant.  We all have opportunities to be extraordinary in our ordinary lives.  We just have to be willing.

Remember....................the disciples that Jesus picked to start his mission and works was just a bunch of ordinary men.  They were called out of their ordinary lives and into something very extraordinary. They were willing to escape out of the ordinary and into something........


Strength and Honor,



Saturday, April 19, 2014


Hey all,


I hope you are having a great Easter weekend so far (even with the rainy and cold weather).  While we celebrate Easter tonight and tomorrow, I thought I would share some scriptures that I have pulled together as I have studied the Resurrection and the deeper meaning behind it’s significance.  I think we often can miss the real meaning of what Jesus “rising from the dead” means to us personally as believers.  It was not only to prove that HE is God and to defeat death……but it was also part of HIS great rescue mission for us personally as well.


2 Timothy 2:8-13  (Timothy states a “trustworthy saying” is that if we “died with HIM then we can live with HIM”. I love what he says at the end……”if we are faithless, HE remains faithful”.  I don’t know about you, but I feel very blessed knowing that Jesus remains faithful to me even when I don’t show my faithfulness in HIM”).

8Remember Jesus Christ, raised from the dead, descended from David. This is my gospel, 9for which I am suffering even to the point of being chained like a criminal. But God’s word is not chained. 10Therefore I endure everything for the sake of the elect, that they too may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus, with eternal glory.

11Here is a trustworthy saying:

If we died with him,

we will also live with him;

12if we endure,

we will also reign with him.

If we disown him,

he will also disown us;

13if we are faithless,

he remains faithful,

for he cannot disown himself.


1 Peter 1:3-4  ( Through the resurrection, we have been born into a new birth and an inheritance that can never go away!!  Ever.  All through his resurrection from the dead. )

3Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade.


Romans 6:5   (We are united with Jesus through his death (release from sin) and his resurrection (new life).

5For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we will certainly also be united with him in a resurrection like his.


1 Corinthians 15:54-57  (Death has no victory over God and HE gives us the victory also through the resurrection of Jesus!)

54When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: “Death has been swallowed up in victory.” (See
Isaiah 25:8)

55“Where, O death, is your victory?

Where, O death, is your sting?”

15:55Hosea 13:14

56The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. 57But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.




Strength and Honor,


Sunday, February 23, 2014


Hey all,

Our stories matter.  They do.  I mean.......really.......they do.  I was blessed to be reminded of this last night. 

Check this out.  Our life is a story.  It is completely unique to us.  While some are mostly normal or uneventful, most of us have a story that is an quite an adventure to say the least.  Most of the time, there are tales of happiness, victory, and fond memories.  We can look back and feel great about those parts of our story.  It makes us feel good.......and happy.  But usually, that is only part of the real story.

The other parts of our story are not so good.  We don't like to think about those times because it is easier to focus on the good times.  It is far too hard to revisit the ugly times.  The times when we were really broken.  The times when we were hurt, abused, ashamed, lonely, or hopeless.  We don't like to think about those chapters in our story.  Most of us just bury those chapters deep in our soul and act like they didn't happen.  It didn't matter.

But they did happen.  And it mattered.  It affected us in a deep and significant way.  It took it's toll on us.  Often, it defined us.  It might have controlled us for a very long time.

But it doesn't have to.

Do you know that God knows every single part of our story.  He knows everything that happened......good and bad.  HE orchestrated the good and he mourned bad........but believe me, HE knew every single event and every moment. HE rejoiced the good times and was heartbroken when the bad things happened us.

God knows that our story matters.  If we will allow HIM to work through us, then HE will use our story to make a difference in someone else's life.  HE will use our victories and our brokenness and turn it into HIS ministry if we will allow HIM.  HE will use us it to help others who might have a similar story or are in the midst of the story themselves.  HE is the greatest author of all time and HE will use our story to make the story of someone else better.........especially the hard parts.

We just have to have the courage to tell it.



Sunday, February 16, 2014


Hey all,

What are we afraid of?  I mean......seriously........what are we afraid of? 

The world we live in is full of things that can make us afraid.  It might be a situation at work.  It might be  an unresolved issue with a friend.  It might be a family issue.  It might be something we have done that we have not told anyone about. It might be the unknown of a circumstance that we are currently facing. 

Are you living in fear?  Are you worrying or fearful about something?

If you are a believer then, whatever it is........what do you we really have to be afraid or worrisome of?  I mean really? Why should we be afraid?  Why are we worrying?  Will it really change anything? 

Jesus said that worrying will not change a thing about today or tomorrow.  It is wasted energy.  Every moment we spend worrying is taking away from a moment that we could be experiencing more Life!  Fear is a result of the worrying.  It is one of the enemies favorite tactics.  The more we worry, the more afraid we are.

So check this out..........we have nothing to be afraid of.  There is nothing that this world or man can bring against us that is bigger than our identity in the one who saved us!!  No person(s), or situation, can ever alter the truth of who we are in Christ!  In Him, we are redeemed.  We are chosen!  We are victorious!  There is nothing in this world that will change that truth!  Regardless of any situation......we are victorious! HE took on the ultimate battle for us.

So the next time we feel afraid or are worrying about something.........let's remind ourselves of the truth.

We have already won.




Sunday, January 5, 2014


Hey all,

Isn't it cool to see someone on their glory?  To watch or hear about someone who is doing something that you just know they were designed by God to do.  They seem to have an anointing.  They were set apart for it?

We are all blessed with unique gifts and attributes.  These are the things that just seem to come natural to us.  They are easy for us. We are good at it.  And most of the time......we know it.  We feel like we were set out to do it.

But check this out...........why don't we seem to spend more of our time doing these things?

I have a theory. I believe it is because the enemy is trying to keep us from it.  The enemy only wants to kill our spirit and keep us from being any closer to God.  What better way than to keep us from the very thing that God has anointed us with.  God wants his people to live in HIS anointing because it glorifies HIM.  HE set us apart to do it and when we do, we can live through HIM and receive his great peace, love, and name a few.

There is a saying that I honestly cannot remember if I wrote it or read it, but it goes like this........"Don't leave the area of your anointing, for there is where your blessing is".

God has blessed us with gifts that we are to "give" away as a gift to others.  When we leave the area of our anointing, then we are not only missing out on our personal blessings from God but the blessing(s) it may give others also.

Like writing a blog.

Strength and Honor,
