Sunday, November 30, 2014

Even if you were told......

Hey all,

Have you ever seen something happen that you could not believe.......even after you saw it with your own eyes?  It was unbelievable.  But it was real. You could not deny it.

Have you ever had someone tell you something about a future event and at the time you didn't believe it.  Then it happened.  It was real.  You could not deny it.

Sometimes.......we can unknowingly fall into a spirit of disbelief.   Simply put......we start to lose our belief in certain things becoming real in our lives.  In good things.  We start to lose belief in those desires and opportunities that we or others see.  We believe that doing "that thing" is just impossible...........that there are just too many immovable obstacles.  We cannot believe "it" can be done.  We all have our own "it" in our life.  It can keep us from moving forward on those things in our life.  Important things...........things that we dream about.  The deep convictions of our heart.  But we cannot see the way to it ever becoming real.............we cannot seem to get our mind around it.  So we don't move forward.  It remains a dream.

But check this out.  God is in the miracle business and what HE can do through us is immeasurably more than we can ever do on our own.  I was reminded of this today by Pastor Derwin Gray of  Transformation Church.

Check out Ephesians 3:20.     

"Now to HIM who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,"

Notice that it says that HE can do more than all we ask or imagine.  As big as we can make something in our mind......HE is able to do so much more than that.  We cannot even get our minds around what HE can do.  We cannot get our minds to be able to ask or even imagine what HE can do! 

But here is the good news.   If we have the courage to believe that HE is real and that HE can make it real through us.........then we should never fall into a that spirit of disbelief.  Our belief is founded in HIS ability, not our own. 

So the next time you find yourself falling into a spirit of sure to remind yourself that GOD can do things through us that we cannot even understand.  HE can do things that you probably would not be able to believe.......

......even if you were told.

Strength and Honor,



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