Sunday, February 23, 2014


Hey all,

Our stories matter.  They do.  I mean.......really.......they do.  I was blessed to be reminded of this last night. 

Check this out.  Our life is a story.  It is completely unique to us.  While some are mostly normal or uneventful, most of us have a story that is an quite an adventure to say the least.  Most of the time, there are tales of happiness, victory, and fond memories.  We can look back and feel great about those parts of our story.  It makes us feel good.......and happy.  But usually, that is only part of the real story.

The other parts of our story are not so good.  We don't like to think about those times because it is easier to focus on the good times.  It is far too hard to revisit the ugly times.  The times when we were really broken.  The times when we were hurt, abused, ashamed, lonely, or hopeless.  We don't like to think about those chapters in our story.  Most of us just bury those chapters deep in our soul and act like they didn't happen.  It didn't matter.

But they did happen.  And it mattered.  It affected us in a deep and significant way.  It took it's toll on us.  Often, it defined us.  It might have controlled us for a very long time.

But it doesn't have to.

Do you know that God knows every single part of our story.  He knows everything that happened......good and bad.  HE orchestrated the good and he mourned bad........but believe me, HE knew every single event and every moment. HE rejoiced the good times and was heartbroken when the bad things happened us.

God knows that our story matters.  If we will allow HIM to work through us, then HE will use our story to make a difference in someone else's life.  HE will use our victories and our brokenness and turn it into HIS ministry if we will allow HIM.  HE will use us it to help others who might have a similar story or are in the midst of the story themselves.  HE is the greatest author of all time and HE will use our story to make the story of someone else better.........especially the hard parts.

We just have to have the courage to tell it.



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