Sunday, February 16, 2014


Hey all,

What are we afraid of?  I mean......seriously........what are we afraid of? 

The world we live in is full of things that can make us afraid.  It might be a situation at work.  It might be  an unresolved issue with a friend.  It might be a family issue.  It might be something we have done that we have not told anyone about. It might be the unknown of a circumstance that we are currently facing. 

Are you living in fear?  Are you worrying or fearful about something?

If you are a believer then, whatever it is........what do you we really have to be afraid or worrisome of?  I mean really? Why should we be afraid?  Why are we worrying?  Will it really change anything? 

Jesus said that worrying will not change a thing about today or tomorrow.  It is wasted energy.  Every moment we spend worrying is taking away from a moment that we could be experiencing more Life!  Fear is a result of the worrying.  It is one of the enemies favorite tactics.  The more we worry, the more afraid we are.

So check this out..........we have nothing to be afraid of.  There is nothing that this world or man can bring against us that is bigger than our identity in the one who saved us!!  No person(s), or situation, can ever alter the truth of who we are in Christ!  In Him, we are redeemed.  We are chosen!  We are victorious!  There is nothing in this world that will change that truth!  Regardless of any situation......we are victorious! HE took on the ultimate battle for us.

So the next time we feel afraid or are worrying about something.........let's remind ourselves of the truth.

We have already won.




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