Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sail Away

Hey all,

Are you awake? Obviously you are reading this so you are physically awake, but that is not what I mean? Do you know what is going on around you? Are you aware? Are you engaged?

Life is happening all around us every single moment. Whether we decide to engage in it or not, life continues on. It keeps going. There is no pause button. We might hit our own internal "pause"button" on occasion (vacation, tv, book, etc..) but life still goes on. Events are unfolding every moment of every day. All over the world. All around us.

Are you awake to it? Are you engaged in it?  Do you know what is going on? 

If you answered no, you are not alone. Many of us are not awake. Many of us are not engaged. Many of us are spectators. Many of us watch life unfold all around us and react to what it brings. We are like a sailboat that has no captain and no rudder. We are left to the winds and waves of the worldly sea. Blown about by each circumstance and each new problem. Never knowing what is going to happen next. We cannot seem to find calm waters and when we doesn't last long. Sound familiar?

We have all been there. But check this out.....there is hope. There is life. There is a bigger story going on that we are a supposed to be part of.  I don't think life is supposed to just be a series of "storms" for us to endure.  We are part of a great story that is being written and we have a role to play in it.  We are needed.  If we don't do it, no one will.  They can't.  It is uniquely written for us. 

But first, We first have to allow the real "Captain" to take over.  Let HIM grab the rudder and set the sail.  HE has set the course for  you and I long ago.  Our story.  Our life.  Our part of the HIS bigger story.  If we don't play our part, no one will.  No one can.  This was set out only for us.

All we have to do is let go and ask HIM to take over.  And HE will.  HE will sail us to calm waters and take us on the great adventure of life.  HE knows the way.

Sail away!

Strength and Honor,


Monday, April 23, 2012

Compulsive Planning

Hey all,

Have you ever been so consumed with planning things in your life that you fail to live?  I read something this morning that really rocked my world,  Check this out.

"Walk with me in holy trust.  Responding to My initiatives rather than make things fit your plans. I died to set you free and that includes freedom from compulsive planning. When your mind spins with a multitude of thoughts, you cannot hear My voice. A mind preoccupied with planning pays homage to the idol of control. Turn from this idolatry and back to Me.  Listen to Me and live abundantly."

From "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young. that not dead on or what?  When we are so obsessed with our own plans, we cannot hear.  Our minds are "spinning" with all of the plans we feel that we have to make happen that we miss the very source of Life.  HIM!  In our efforts to plan out our life, we end up missing it.

Check out John 8:36, 10:27 and Proverbs 19:21 for some great wisdom on compulsive planning.

Compulsive planning?  Stop spinning and start listening. 

Abundanat Life.  Very cool.

Strength and Honor,


Sunday, April 15, 2012


Hey all,

Are you being pursued?  Do you feeling like you are being chased by something?  Are you constantly running this race called life?  Are you tired?  Exhausted?

I was thinking about this today.  Life can chase us can't it?  

Just take work as an example.  Our jobs require us to be in constant motion.  We are always trying to stay ahead of "the work".  We work and work and work and yet.........we never seem to get ahead.  It still is there the next day.  Ready to start the chase again.  Ready to pursue.  We start over again.  Running and running and running.  But to no is an endless cycle.

Or maybe it's all the stuff at home.  Too many things to do.  Constant race.  Always being pursued.  Kids, home, sports, church, financial obligations, social know what I am talking about.  Running and running and running.  Trying to stay ahead.  The pursuit feels exhausting at times.

Have you ever though about that? 

But it doesn't have to be that way. doesn't.

Life is meant to be pursued.........not to be "pursued" by it.  We are supposed to "live" life, not just be "living" in it.  Life is not supposed to be a game of tag.  Life should not be chasing us.   

We don't have to live that way.  Our time on this earth is given to us by the Lord to be the pursuer of it.  HE wants us to pursue life.  HE wants us to lead the way.  He wants us to make a difference.  HE wants us to be running, but NOT because we are being chased..............but because we are following HIM.  When we are following HIM.........we are "living: life.........not just "living" life.  We are leading by following.  We are meant to be conquerors of life through HIM.  Not to be conquered by life.  Wow......there is a big difference isn't there?

So ask yourself this week......Am I running because I am being pursued by life......or am I running because I am living life.  Maybe it's time to quit running and start leading.

By following.

Strength and Honor,


Sunday, April 8, 2012

Father and Masters,

Hey all,

There are certain things that happen in our lives that are truly memorable.  I had one of those yesterday. 

I had the blessing and privilege of spending the day with my Father at the Masters golf tournament in Augusta, GA.  My Dad is retired and works at a Golf obviously he loves golf.  While he is getting up there in years, he can still hit them pretty good too. He still beats me every time we play. 

Going to Augusta National to see the Masters was a very special day for him. A life long dream and "Bucket list" item.  It was special.  

It was even more special for me.  Besides just being at Augusta with all it's history and tradition............I was able to spend an entire day with my Dad.  We had a great time talking, hanging out, watching golf, and just enjoying the  beauty of Augusta and our day together. 

For those that have been to the Masters, you know that you cannot take in a camera or cell phone.  Your mental experience is all you can take with you.  Sure, you can buy stuff at the gift shop, but you have only your mind to take the memories with you.  It was great to be free for a day and not be distracted by the cell phone, email, text's.  We both relaxed and just enjoyed the day together.  Not distracted by anything but each other and the event. 

Too often we try and capture all of our "experiences" on camera, video, etc, then rush to post it on whatever social media we have. In our need to get it out to the public or capture it on photo or video.....we lose the memory of it completely.  We leave our mental memory card empty.  How often are you filling your mental memory card instead of using your camera phone?  If you are like me, not nearly enough.

After Friday with my Father at the mental memory card is full.    

And its not with golf.

Strength and Honor,
