Saturday, December 17, 2011

"More Life" at work. Really?

Hey all,

Last night, our company celebrated with our annual Christmas Party. As usual, we had a great time. We don't do anything way over the top, just a nice, casual light dinner and music. It is a great time of fellowship and I really enjoy getting see everyone and their spouses/friends.

Most importantly, it is a great time to recognize our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ and to remind ourselves of the true meaning of Christmas. That Jesus came to earth to rescue us.

We are also very intentional about making sure we have someone speak to our company vision. Our vision as a company is "to provide people the opportunity for more life". This is the vision that the company was founded on and we really believe in it as an organization and ownership team. It is not just words to us but rather a journey. A worthwhile journey. Most people don't associate work and "more life" together.......but we think there can be both. We believe one can create the other. We believe it is certainly worth the journey to try.

My friend and Pastor, Derwin Gray, came and spoke to our team last night and did a wonderful job of encouraging us in our vision and reminding us that there really is an opportunity for more life at work. He reminded us that we do on a daily basis is an opportunity to be an artist that paints a great canvas of "life" through our actions and relationships. Each of us is given a unique opportunity to fundamentally, and sometimes eternally, impact someone else by how we do our job. Our work matters. What we do is important. But "how" we do our jobs makes the difference between "life" and just another day at "work". And how you do what you do each day may just "provide life" to someone else.

Think about this at work this week. Think about the fact that you might not be there for the "work" just get something done for the day. You are not there to produce another batch of widgets. To produce more "stuff". But rather, think about that you may be there for someone else. Someone who might be forever impacted by how you do your work, or how you interact with them, or just by who you are. Someone who needs you to bring them "more life". Someone who was purposely put in your story for you to make a difference in their life.

Think about that. Wow. More life at work. Really? I think so. If we have the courage to go after it.

Strength and Honor,


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