Saturday, December 24, 2011

Away in a "manger"...

Hey all.

As we celebrate Christmas, let us be reminded that HE is the reason. We celebrate to honor the date that our Saviour, Jesus Christ, came into this broken world to rescue us. HE came fully as man to take on the sins of us all and to ultimately defeat death.

Check this out. As you sing this weekend (for you carolers) the line "....away in a manger"(I cannot remember the exact song but you know what I mean I am sure)....remember that the manger that Jesus was placed in was not a snuggly, warm, clean little basket like most of us envision. No, it was a stone, nasty, dirty, trough that animals ate out of. It most likely had slobbery old feed, feces from rats, and who knows what else in it. It was what the stable animals ate out of.

God came to us in the lowest of low circumstances. Born to young virgin in a cold, dirty stable and then placed in the "manger or feed trough" to rest. Check out the picture. I took this picture in Israel a couple of years ago. This is a manger from the time Jesus was born. Looks comfy huh? I thought you might gain a new perspective from it, like I did.

Lets all remember that Jesus came into this world as humble and small as possible and left this world persecuted and beaten. HE did this for us. For us to have more life.

Merry Christmas.

Strength and Honor,


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