Sunday, October 1, 2017


Hey all,

There comes a time in our live when it is time to "Stand" up.  The world we live in today is full of people that are sitting on the sidelines and watching the game......sitting on their "butt's" and passing the time watching what is going on in the world.  They give their opinions on everything that is going on but are completely unwilling to "stand" up and get in the game.  They just sit there watching life take place and are the victims of everything that happens.  Helpless and hopeless.

I don't want to be one of those people. 

There is a verse in the Bible (Jeremiah 6:16) that speaks to this and calls us to do something about it.

"This is what the LORD says: "Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls. But you said, 'We will not walk in it."

It say's "Stand" at the crossroads. Stand. Meaning......we have to get up. Get off our butt and stand up.  We are not supposed to just sit and be a spectator.

Once we are up, then it says to ask where the good way is.  Ask where the ancients paths are which means the right ways.  We should seek counsel from those that know the way.  We should ask what way we should go.  The roads of life have been traveled before and we can ask where the good way's are.  We need to get advice from those that know the good way.

And then we are called to walk.  We have to take a step and move forward.  We are to walk.  Life is about moving.... not sitting still.  We have to be willing to take a step in faith.

But in the verse it says........."you will not walk in it".  That is the problem.  Too many of us are not walking in it.  We won't stand up and we won't take the stap.  We just sit there.....watching and waiting......and completely missing the life we are given to live.  Victims. 

Like I said....I don't want to be one of those people.

I want to walk. I want to experience life.  I want to be a part of something, not an observer.  I want to play my role.  Life is to be lived...not watched.  I choose to walk.  I choose to live.

And find rest for my soul.



1 comment:

  1. Love it! The thought of that crosses my mind in response is 'What am I missing by not living life (sitting on my butt)? Could it be the very thing that I am waiting for???
