Sunday, October 16, 2016

Intentional Living

Hey all,

Have you ever thought about how fast life goes?    Think about really does move pretty fast doesn't it?  How many times have you said to  yourself..."where did the time go?".  Or...."I cannot believe how much time has passed since....(fill in the blank)".   The truth is that life moves on whether we participate or not.  Most of us believe that time is not our friend when it comes to this life we live.  But time can be our friend.  Time can be an opportunity.  Time can be taken advantage of instead of constantly being a source of frustration because we don't seem to ever have enough of it.

But check this out.

To really "live" and experience life as we know it.....I believe that we must be more intentional.  If we are not intentional about how we are going to live our lives, then it will just happen and we will be nothing more than a spectator.  Life goes way too fast for us to expect that it will just play out the way that we want.  It goes way too fast for us to just "ride along.  It goes way too fast for us to think that by being a spectator....we will experience the abundant life that Jesus speaks of.  We cannot be spectators. We have to actually participate.  We have to stop and look around once in awhile.  But more importantly, we have to have a plan and a purpose that is driving our life.......not time.  We have to know where we want to go so that we are actually "doing" things that are in alignment with that destination.  Time should not dictate where we are going.  Is what you are doing everyday really getting you towards what the Lord has placed on your heart? it?  If not, then don't we owe it to ourselves to take a hard look inward to ask why not?  Is time pushing us or are we using it?  I don't care who you are, that happens to all of us at one point in our lives. 

So what then?

I believe it starts with understanding that we are in control more than we think we are.  I truly believe it comes down to one thing. 

Being intentional. 

We MUST be intentional. Intentional about our time.  Intentional about what we do.  Intentional about who we do it with.  Intentional about why we are doing it.  Intentional about our values.  Intentional about identifying what brings us a feeling of more life.  Intentional about writing those things out so that they can become real.  Intentional about giving yourself permission to pursue those values and desires.  Then......being courageous enough to pursue it. 

We MUST be intentional.......or life just happens and we get what we get.  

Life really does move pretty fast doesn't it?  The question is......are we experiencing it intentionally or is it just happening?

Strength and Honor,


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