Friday, August 16, 2013


Hey all,

Ever had a cavity filled at the Dentist and they give you a shot of Novocaine to numb your tooth before they do the drilling?  For those that have had it doesn't stir up fond memories does it? 

It usually goes like this.........the Dentist walks in and says "open will be just a little sting".  Then the shot....ouch......then it's over.  The Dentist says.."I'll be back in a few minutes".  Then you sit there.  Waiting. 

When they walk back in, they ask " are you numb?"  You try and answer but your lips don't you mumble something incoherent and that pretty much means that you are numb.  So they proceed with the work.  Drilling away while  you don't feel a thing.

But check this out......have you ever thought what would happen if they came in and also said...."At what moment did you become numb?".  "When exactly did you get numb"? 

You wouldn't be able to answer that would you?   You would think...." came in and gave me the shot...then you left....then you came back.......and now since you asked...I guess I am numb.  I am not sure when it happened just did. I am numb".

Life can be that way sometimes can't it?  We don't really know when it happened.....but it did.  We became numb to the world and our surroundings.  The world gave us a shot of life and without realizing it.....we became numb.  No feeling.  No pain.  No response.  Just numb.  Numb to our surroundings and experiences.  The same ole, same ole.  Numb.  Routine.  Boredom.

Life isn't meant to be lived out being numb.  We are meant to feel it.  To experience it.  To live it with feeling.  To enjoy it. 

I read a great quote today that reminded me of this.

"It's been my experience that you can nearly always enjoy things if you make up your mind firmly that you will."
L. M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables, 1908
Canadian novelist (1874 - 1942)

Sometimes we need someone to ask us............"Are you numb?"

Strength and Honor,



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