Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Brokenness or a Gift?

Hey all,

Have you ever been broken?  If you are an adult then I know the answer. 


We all have a story......and unfortunately the majority have some brokenness in it.  For some of has been really bad.  Really broken.  For was nearly unbearable.  It is a wonder how we made it through. 

But check this out.

If we allow it.....God will take our brokenness and turn it into a ministry. 

Let me say it again.....IF we allow HIM.......GOD will take our Brokenness from our Life and turn it into a Ministry.  He will allow our story to help others.  It can actually be HIS gift to us to give to someone else who needs it.

Think about many times have you been talking to someone and realize that what they are going through is similar to your own story?  You have been right where they are.  You understand it.  You have experienced it.  You can feel what they are feeling.  Your heart aches for them. 

And because you have been can speak into their heart.  Your words can help them. You understand.  You can give them hope.  You have been through it.  You can give them hope that it gets better.  You can tell them to not give up (and really mean it!).   

In other words, you can "minister" to them.

Nothing in our life is an accident.  We all have a story.  We all have wonderful parts and we all have broken parts.  God uses both to help others.........but I truly believe that HE will use our brokenness to minister to others who are going through the same thing.  The hardest part of our story can truly help someone in the hardest part of theirs.  God will bring people in our path to "minister" to if we are available.  We have to understand that our Brokenness may not be about us........

But rather a gift for someone else.

Strength and Honor,


Friday, August 16, 2013


Hey all,

Ever had a cavity filled at the Dentist and they give you a shot of Novocaine to numb your tooth before they do the drilling?  For those that have had it doesn't stir up fond memories does it? 

It usually goes like this.........the Dentist walks in and says "open will be just a little sting".  Then the shot....ouch......then it's over.  The Dentist says.."I'll be back in a few minutes".  Then you sit there.  Waiting. 

When they walk back in, they ask " are you numb?"  You try and answer but your lips don't you mumble something incoherent and that pretty much means that you are numb.  So they proceed with the work.  Drilling away while  you don't feel a thing.

But check this out......have you ever thought what would happen if they came in and also said...."At what moment did you become numb?".  "When exactly did you get numb"? 

You wouldn't be able to answer that would you?   You would think...." came in and gave me the shot...then you left....then you came back.......and now since you asked...I guess I am numb.  I am not sure when it happened just did. I am numb".

Life can be that way sometimes can't it?  We don't really know when it happened.....but it did.  We became numb to the world and our surroundings.  The world gave us a shot of life and without realizing it.....we became numb.  No feeling.  No pain.  No response.  Just numb.  Numb to our surroundings and experiences.  The same ole, same ole.  Numb.  Routine.  Boredom.

Life isn't meant to be lived out being numb.  We are meant to feel it.  To experience it.  To live it with feeling.  To enjoy it. 

I read a great quote today that reminded me of this.

"It's been my experience that you can nearly always enjoy things if you make up your mind firmly that you will."
L. M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables, 1908
Canadian novelist (1874 - 1942)

Sometimes we need someone to ask us............"Are you numb?"

Strength and Honor,



Sunday, August 11, 2013


Hey All,

It has been a couple of years since this happened but I have wanted to share since.

Over Thanksgiving break, my daughter fell off a swing and hurt her arm.  She was at the neighbors house and while playing on the swing set in their back yard, she fell.  It was pretty clear that something was seriously wrong.

We took her to the hospital immediately.

Once we arrived at the Emergency Room, we checked her in, and then were told to wait.  There did not seem to be that many people waiting, but it still seemed like it took forever.  As a parent, I was really getting frustrated the more we waited. 

While we waited, I held my daughter in my lap and tried to console her.  She was crying because her arm hurt.  She was in pain and no matter what I did, it did not help. She cried that it hurt so bad.  As a Dad, it was killing me because I wanted to help her but I could'nt.  I could not make the staff move faster and I could not fix it.  I was powerless.

So I started praying. 

I wrapped her in my arms and started praying that the Lord would miracously fix her arm,  I prayed that HE would intervene and do a miracle.  I prayed that HE would show me that HE was there. I prayed like I have never prayed before.

And then HE showed up.

During my praying, she looked up at me and said, "Daddy, my arm doesn't hurt anymore."  I looked at her and  knew that she was healed.  I knew it in my heart.  I hugged her and told her that it was going to be fine.  She was going to be OK.

About thirty minutes later, they called her name and we were brought back to see the Doctor.  They immediately wanted her to have an X-Ray.  I told them that they were OK to do the X-Ray but I was sure that they would not find anything wrong.  I knew that the Lord had already intervened.  I was sure that there was nothing wrong.  She had no more pain.  I told them when they left that they were wasting their time,

They came back a little while later and said that she had broken her arm in two places and it would require surgery to fix it.  We would have to take her to another hospital for surgery in the morning.

I was shocked.  I was sure she was fine.  What happened?   I was sure the Lord had shown up?

The surgery was successful and they placed two pins in her arm.  We spent the next three days at the hospital  She has recovered fully.

In hindsight I have realized that while I felt confused, the Lord really did show up that day.  I was so focused on HIM fixing her arm that I missed the fact that HE showed up and took away her pain away. When I prayed, HE took her pain and gave her peace.  HE took the pain for her.

Going through that, I learned that God doesn't always fix our circumstance the way we want, but HE always shows up when we call HIM.  HE may not change the outcome..........

But HE will take away the pain.




Sunday, August 4, 2013

The Trail and the Well

Hey all,

I just returned from a great vacation with my family.  We were able to get away and really spend some quality time together at a beautiful ranch in the Blue Ridge Mountains.

During the week, while riding a horse along an awesome trail in the mountains, I was reminded how important it is that we take time and recharge.  We all need rest.  We all need recharged.  We are just like the horse I was riding.  Once we had gone a couple of hours on the trail, the horses needed to be rested and refreshed before we could move on.   So we stopped and let them rest.  Once they were rested, we saddled back up and moved on. 

But unlike the horses we were riding, people need more than just water and food.  We need to satisfy more than just our physical thirst and hunger to be really refreshed and recharged.  We need rest for our soul.  We need our spirit recharged. We need this during our life so we can continue along the trail..........the trail of life. 

I realized that the trail of life was not unlike the mountain trail I was on.  Both trails are filled with inclines, declines, rocky spots, and smooth spots.  There were places along the trail that were absolutely beautiful and some that were a little rough and scary.  Some areas were so rugged that there was no way we could get through except being carried (on horseback).  The trail of Life is difficult.  But we can make it if we recharge.  We can be carried we need to be.

All we need to do is to go to the Well.  

Jesus said that He is the living water and HE is the Well that holds the water.  When we go to the well, we get the water that brings deep satisfaction to our thirst.  It gives us eternal energy.  We realize that we don't have to be thirsty all the time.  HE helps us recharge so we can move on.  HE satisfies our soul just like a vacation does for our body and spirit.  HE is there with us all along the trail of life.  When we stop and take the time to seek HIM, he will be there.  HE will refresh our soul anytime we show up with our bucket.  And HE will carry us if we cannot make through that part of the trail of life.

All we have to do is stop along the trail and go to the Well.

And drink.

Strength and Honor,
