Sunday, January 20, 2013

Stealing what?

Hey all,

Check out this story I heard recently.  It is reportedly true.

Back in 1900's, the industrial revolution was in full swing and the factories were experiencing major growth.  One of the by products of the growth, however, was the occurrences of theft.  Surprisingly, the majority of the theft was actually being done by the workers.  In an attempt to curb the theft, most factories hired guards to place at the exits to check the workers when they left each day. 

At one particular furniture factory, a worker was leaving for the day.  He was pushing a wheelbarrow full of sawdust and wood chips.  As he approached the exit, he was stopped by the guard. 

"What do you have here?" the guard asked. 

"It is just sawdust and wood chips" said the worker. 

The guard poked around in it.  "I don't believe you. You must dump it out so I can see what is in it." said the guard.

So the worker dumped it out.  As the worker said, it was nothing but sawdust and wood chips.  So the guard let the worker leave. 

The next day, the worker came again with more sawdust and wood chips.  Again, the guard had him pour it out.  And again, he found nothing.  This went on for nearly two weeks until the guard could no longer take it.  He was convinced that the worker was stealing.  It was driving the guard crazy.  He thought about it constantly.  He finally became so aggravated that he had not been able to catch him, he decided he would approach the worker with a deal.  The guard told the worker that he was convinced that he was stealing from the factory, but since he could not catch him, he would agree not to turn him in if the worker would agree to come clean.

"I will let you go, but you have to tell me what you are stealing." said the guard.

After considering it, and realizing that the guard was sincere, the worker agreed to tell him.

"I am stealing wheelbarrows." said the worker.





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