Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Hey all,

Wouldn't it be cool to be an Explorer?  To go out and explore the unknown.  To blaze a trail for others to follow.  To go where no man has gone before.  The images of Columbus and Lewis and Clark bring us visions of adventure and risk.  We are drawn to it and it captures our heart.

I think deep down we are all born with a desire to explore. It is in our DNA to seek new places, new things, and new adventures.  God designed us for adventure and to explore.  He wants us to experience new and different things.  He created us to conquer the unknown. 

But sometimes in life, I don't feel much like an explorer or a pioneer.  I often feel more like a settler than a pioneer.  I feel like I am "settling" in to what others have long ago discovered.  It's the routine and same ole, same ole.  Sound familiar?

But it shouldn't be that way.   

I believe life is meant to be explored.  I believe that life gives us the opportunity to experience new places, new things, and new adventures every day.  It is right there for the taking and we are designed to go for it.  Our life can be as new, exciting, and adventurous as we want. 

But we have to choose it.  Adventure and new experiences don't "find" us............we have to find "them". 

The question is.........are we willing to look for it.  Are we willing to explore?  Are we willing to get out of our comfort zone and go to new places?  To do new things? To go on an adventure?  For most...the answer is no.  Our duties and responsibilities seem to get in the way.  We don't have time to seek new things.  We don't have time to explore.  We don't have time to be adventurous. 

I don't know about you.......but I don't want to live that way.  I want adventure.  I love new things.  I want new experiences.  I don't want to be comfortable all the time.

So why don't we do it then? Why don't we act on our pioneer spirit?  I believe it is because we often make it too big.  We think that to live the adventures of life,  we have to do something grand.  We have to climb a mountain or go on a mission trip.  We have to do something "significant".  While those things are certainly adventurous.......I believe most of us can start "smaller" and still get a wonderful taste of the adventurous life that is right in front of us to explore.  And once we taste it.....we want to explore it more and more.

It really doesn't have to be complicated.  And exploring life isn't just places either.  Check this out. Exploring is;

- Be a mentor.
- Talk to a stranger. 
- Take a long drive and get lost.
- Sing out loud. 
- Sleep under the stars. 
- Take a walk in the rain.
- Volunteer (outside your comfort zone).
- Take a hike.
- Take off with no plans or destination. 

You get the idea.  It's up to you.  You get a choice.  Everyday.  Start small.  Get a taste.

And start exploring life.




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