Saturday, January 21, 2012

Come alive!

Hey all,

What do you do that makes you "come alive"?  That thing that gets you goin?.  What brings your heart to higher levels?  What makes you feel good and lifts your spirit?

One sure way to experience more life is by doing what makes us come alive.  When we lift our spirit by doing the things we love, we can then use that to fuel our spirit in the other "daily" things in life.  It is important to fill our "spirit tanks" occasionally so we can bring that "life" to our daily duties and obligations.  We are also  likely to bring more life to others when our tanks are full.  Sometimes I go far too long without filling my tank and everything suffers as a result.  Work, relationships, kids, etc. all seem to be heavier and tougher.  But when I am able to make time to do something I really love, it is amazing what kind of impact it has on those other areas of my life.  

I had a great day last Saturday.  I took my bird dog, Belle, out bird hunting for the first time this year.  It is definitely one of the things that makes me "come alive"!  I absolutely love to watch her hunt, point, and retrieve.  It is really awesome seeing her do what God designed her to do.  We had a great day together and spent time with good friends and family.  My tank was definitely filled.

Guess week was better as a result.  Nothing changed as far as duties go...but my tank was full and my attitude was good and positive all week!

Is  your tank empty?  If so......get a fill up by doing what makes you come alive and see how it brings more life to yourself and others.

Strength and Honor,



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