Tuesday, March 26, 2019


Hey all,

Been awhile hasn't it?  I know.  Anyway....I'm back.

In today's world, doesn't it seem that there is no neutral.  Not in anything.  Here is what I mean by that. 

In the world we live in today, it feels like a person cannot be neutral on anything.  It feels like the world requires us to take a position on everything............especially in the world of social media.  You are either for it, or you are against it.  In fact, if you take a position of neutral, meaning that you don't want to take a position or don't want to give an opinion, or don't respond........then we can believe that we are in fact viewed as taking a position. You know what I mean?  Why do we feel that there does not seem to be a place of neutral in our world today?  Anywhere.  Neutral used to be the safe place, having no opinion was ok...........but not anymore. Everything MUST be accepted as ok or wrong.  And then you are in a seemingly "no win" situation.  You cannot win either way. 

What happened to just being silent?  No opinion?  Being neutral?

I think we are missing something.

Check this out..............if an issue of significance comes up and you take a position of neutral, then we feel like we lose in the worlds view.  It really it is no win situation....especially for our children who constantly live in this world of social media.  It is a tough world to live in for all of us, but our kids face it every day.

So what do we do?  What do we tell them (and ourselves as adults)?

Check this out..........I think we have the definition of "neutral" wrong. 

We have to remind ourselves that neutral doesn't mean we don't have an opinion.  It only means that we are choosing to not engage in the issue.  We have to realize that we have a choice to engage or not.  We have to remind ourselves of our core values.  We have to believe in what we believe.  This has been lost in our world today.  You see, we have to remind ourselves that we are not automatically pulled into every issue that is thrown out in our world today.  We actually have a choice to engage or not.  It really is a choice.......it really is.  Why do we feel that we have to respond?  In fact, by responding, we are placing ourselves in a no-win situation.  So why do that?  Again, we have a choice.

The truth is that what is pulling us into these things it is nothing more than social peer pressure, which I acknowledge is real, but it is still the core reason we feel the need to engage.  We have to fall back on our values, our morals, and our faith.  We need to stand firm in our beliefs and not allow ourselves to compromise those by being drawn into these issues.  Most often, no response is the best response.  If that appears neutral, then so be it. 

Neutral is not a position of weakness, it actually a position of strength.  It is a demonstration of our core beliefs.  It is demonstration of being stronger than the issues of the world.  It is demonstrating that we will not be drawn into things that don't believe in.

It is demonstrating who we are.........not who we are not. 

Think about that.




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