Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Be Open

Hey all,

The  next "Be" in our countdown is to to "Be Open".

It's pretty simple........the question is.........are you "open" to something new?  Are you open to being transformed?  Are you open to letting the Holy Spirit transform and renew you?  Are you open to more life?

Romans 12:2 says...

" 2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."

Are you open to be being transformed?  Are you open to being renewed? 

If the answer is "yes", then you must be open to hear HIS voice.  You must be open to hear God's word and to act on it.  You must be willing to hear HIS voice and discern what is HIS will.  You must be willing to step out of your comfort zone and into what HE say's will be acceptable and perfect. You must be open to moving forward. 

If not, then you will not be transformed.  You won't be renewed.  It will not be acceptable and perfect as HE wants it to be........

........as you want it to be.

It's that simple.




Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Be Available

Hey all,

The next "Be" in our countdown is to "Be Available".

Do you make yourself available to God? 

No, really,......do you make yourself available for Him? 

If we are truthful with ourselves, then the answer is probably........no.  At least not very often anyway.  Let's face it, most days. we get busy in our lives and we ending up giving God our leftover time if we have any.  We just don't seem to have time to show up and make ourselves available to Him on a regular basis.  Instead, we try and fit Him in.  It's not because we don't want to include Him, but we just can't seem to find the the time. 

And so goes life.

But check this out.

How can we be available for virtually everything else in our life but not for God?  We are available for work everyday.  We are available for our kids everyday.  We are available for our social commitments everyday.  We are available for our friends and family everyday.  We are available for our online friends on Facebook and Instagram.  Our status is always "available".  But yet, we cannot seem to make ourselves available to the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings at least somewhere in our day or week?

Man....that seems off doesn't it?

We cannot experience the life we want here on earth if we don't make ourselves available to the things mentioned above.  Those parts of our life are important and they are not the problem.  We have to be available for them.  What would life be if we didn't make ourself available to experience and engage in those things in our life?  It would be a lonely and lifeless journey to say the least wouldn't it? 

But here is the thing.....we are missing the most important aspect of our life when we don't make the effort to make ourself available to Him as well.  HE created the life we are experiencing and is there for us to make it the life HE designed and wrote for us.  When we don't show up for Him, we are leaving out the most important part.  We have to remember that HE literally died to be part of our life.

But we have to make ourself available to Him. HE will not chase us down.  We must go to Him.  We must make give Him some of our time.  We must go online in our spirit and mark ourself "available".

And HE will always be there.  HE is never offline.  HIS status is always "available"........

Waiting on us to show up.



Monday, June 15, 2015

Are you Willing to follow the Wild Goose?

Hey All,

Counting down our 12 "Be's" is to "Be Willing".

We all have a picture of our life that we have developed in our own mind.  It has been been created by our story and we have grown to believe it.  It is the "way" that things are to be.  It is the "hand" that we were dealt.  It is our "lot" in life that was created............and ultimately we believe it is our destiny to play it out. 

But is it the life that we truly desire?  Don't we all really want something more?  In our prayers, don't we really want more?  Don't we really want more life?  Don't we long for an adventure that is more than the life we know?  Don't we want to go on a wild chase?  An adventure?

Deep down......we all do.  But our we willing to step out?  Are we willing to follow our heart?  Are we willing to follow HIM in a way that breaks us free from our story and enter into HIS story?  

Check this out.

The Celtic Christians called the Holy Spirit the "Wild Goose". This is where the term "wild goose chase" comes from.  They believed that the Holy Spirit was like a Wild Goose and following it was like trying to catch a wild goose.  You didn't know where it was going....but is was going to be a wild ride.

So the question is.......are you willing to follow the Wild Goose?  Are you willing to break free from your own story and enter into the story of chasing the Wild Goose?  You see, when we truly dedicate our heart to HIM, then HE will lead us on another journey.  HIS journey.  HIS story.  HIS wild story.  HE is the Wild Goose.........and when we follow HIM completely.....then while we may not know where it is going to end up, we know that we are on the the right path.  We are on the path to more life.  It really is a Wild Goose chase.  And while we may not know where it goes or ends up......we DO know that if we are chasing HIM.....then we have peace that it is HIS story for us.  And that story always leads to more life.

But we have to be willing to go.......we have to be willing to take the step.......we have to be willing to chase that Wild Goose.

Are you Willing?  



Thursday, June 11, 2015

Hey all,

The next entry in the 12 "Be's" is Be Fruitful.

From a previous post a couple of years ago....here you go.

Check this out. When we think about what "More Life" looks like........this might help you see it more clearly. It did for me while doing a study this week so I thought I would share.

Follow this.....

- John 10:10 says that Jesus "came so we could have Life, and have it to the full". There is more life to be lived.

- Proverbs 4:23 says that "Above all else, guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life". Life comes from what is in our hearts.

- Galatians 5:16 says "Live by the Spirit and you will not gratify the sinful nature". We are to have the Spirit in our heart to fend off sin.

- Galatians 5:22 says that "the fruits of the Spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control"". The Spirit (More life) looks like the outward expression of the fruits of the Spirit.

So if we add all this up then it starts to make sense.

Using the statement below to prompt our thoughts and using the fruits of the Spirit as our guide.....it is pretty easy to see. My answers are below.

I feel "More Life" when.........

- I feel loved and am loving others outwardly
- I have joy in my heart that cannot be contained. I am infectious. I am happy.
- I have a peace in my soul that helps me to not worry.
- I feel I am patient with others and worldly things, even when i don't think they don't deserve it:)
- I am kind to others without trying.
- I see the good in my circumstances and I am fighting for good.
- My faith is more important than the events of my day.
- I feel a compassion and gentle spirit towards others or circumstances.
- I can demonstrate self control on things I usually cannot.
- I am in step with the Spirit.

The Fruits of the Spirit are more life! Try filling in the statements for yourself.

Strength and Honor,
