Sunday, May 11, 2014


Hey all,

Did you ever meet someone who was/is famous or someone who is well known for something?  Maybe it was someone who had accomplished something significant?  Maybe it was someone who invented something that changed the way the world did something?  Maybe it was an author or speaker?  The world is full of people who have accomplished some very significant things. 

I have been blessed to meet some of these people and I have realized something common among them all.  All of them were ordinary people.  They were just like me.  Ordinary.  Oh sure, they had a different background or education, but at the end of the day...they were just as ordinary as me.  They were ordinary people.  The same as you and me. 

But here is the thing.....even though they were ordinary, God used them for something extraordinary.  And they were willing to go and do it.  They were willing to be extraordinary in their ordinary life.

You see, God uses ordinary people like us to do his extraordinary works.  Some of those works are very public and have dramatic impacts on many.....while other works are smaller in notoriety but are no less significant.  We all have opportunities to be extraordinary in our ordinary lives.  We just have to be willing.

Remember....................the disciples that Jesus picked to start his mission and works was just a bunch of ordinary men.  They were called out of their ordinary lives and into something very extraordinary. They were willing to escape out of the ordinary and into something........


Strength and Honor,
