Sunday, January 5, 2014


Hey all,

Isn't it cool to see someone on their glory?  To watch or hear about someone who is doing something that you just know they were designed by God to do.  They seem to have an anointing.  They were set apart for it?

We are all blessed with unique gifts and attributes.  These are the things that just seem to come natural to us.  They are easy for us. We are good at it.  And most of the time......we know it.  We feel like we were set out to do it.

But check this out...........why don't we seem to spend more of our time doing these things?

I have a theory. I believe it is because the enemy is trying to keep us from it.  The enemy only wants to kill our spirit and keep us from being any closer to God.  What better way than to keep us from the very thing that God has anointed us with.  God wants his people to live in HIS anointing because it glorifies HIM.  HE set us apart to do it and when we do, we can live through HIM and receive his great peace, love, and name a few.

There is a saying that I honestly cannot remember if I wrote it or read it, but it goes like this........"Don't leave the area of your anointing, for there is where your blessing is".

God has blessed us with gifts that we are to "give" away as a gift to others.  When we leave the area of our anointing, then we are not only missing out on our personal blessings from God but the blessing(s) it may give others also.

Like writing a blog.

Strength and Honor,
