Sunday, March 24, 2013


Hey all,

How would you define what your "perfect" life would look like?  Would you believe that it is today?

Check this out.

If God can take any part of our life and make it perfect, including our failures and our sin, AND if we believe that HE is with us......then how can our life be anything less than perfect right now? 

If God is with us, then how can it not be perfect?  We are perfect today. 

You see.........God doesn't make mistakes.  HE is a perfectionist.  HE always makes a masterpiece.  Always.

The problem isn't that we lack something that is keeping us from being "perfect" in our life.......the problem is our definition of perfect. 

The challenge is that we put a worldly framework around it. Our definition of perfect is way off.  God doesn't need us to possess certain things to live the perfect life.  HE only needs us.  And when HE has all of us, HE will make our life perfect.


Strength and Honor,



Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Start Small

Hey All,

How do we make an impact on this world?  Have you ever thought about that?

I think deep down, we all have a desire to make an impact.  We want to do something significant.  We are captured by people that are doing something "big".  We wish we could do the same.  But how could we make a difference?  Our existence seems so small sometimes doesn't it?   

I was reminded this weekend that we don't have to start something "big" to ultimately make a "big" impact. 

Everything "big" starts "small".  A seed has to be planted.

It starts with a heart for something.  And that heart gets overwhelmed to do something.  And the first "something" is small.  It is an idea....then a conversation....then a "what if" moment happens.....then fear of the unknown sets in........then through courage another small action......then a small "win" happens......then comes a failure......then another......(and this is where most of us quit!).....but if we keep going.....then a another small "win"......then someone else catches on....then it starts to take shape.....then it becomes "something real"........then another scary moment of fear......then perseverance sets in.....we keep going with our "small" thing.......

And what started as something "small" now starts to have significance.  It grows.  And if the heart is overwhelmed keeps growing. 

And along the way we was never about being "big" at all.  It is about making a difference.  It is about making something beautiful out of something "small".  It is about acting on heart.......and allowing something beautiful to grow from it through God's hands.  It is about having the courage to plant the seed.

God doesn't measure things in "big".  HE measures things in beauty. 

Start small.  And watch it become significant.  Something beautiful......

