Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Pride or Progress

Hey all,

I was reminded of something tonight that I think we all need to be reminded of from time to time.  This is especially true of men.  As men, we too often let our pride get in the way of progress. 

Let me elaborate. 

As men, we are wired to be in control.  We want to have all the answers and to know exactly what to do in any given situation.  It is our survival instinct I believe that makes us that way.  Since we often see ourselves as providers and protectors.....we think we should have every answer, for every issue, every time.  Even when we don't.  Even when we are wrong.

And when we don't have answers........our pride kicks in.  And when our pride kicks in.....we get defensive.  We react.  We try and justify our actions or words even if they are wrong.  Instead of seeing the situation and seeking progress or resolution to a solution, we often let our pride kick in and then........well.........you know where that goes.....nowhere.  Whether it is a situation with your spouse, your kid, a co-worker, a relative, or a friend........when our pride gets in the way, then progress tends to end.

I was challenged with this recently and actually was able to push my pride aside for a moment and focus on progress.  While it was a rare moment......it is worth sharing.  Without going into detail....lets just say that I made a really "poor" decision regarding a situation.  Had I thought it through, I should have never decided what I did.  It was just wrong.  I should not made it.  Immediately afterward, I was confronted, in a loving but stern way, that the decision was not only wrong, but it was getting in the way of the progress we were both trying to make.  It was hard to hear, but I knew she was right.  She spoke the truth and I needed to hear it.

It took every fiber of my being to not let my pride respond.  But instead, I chose to listen and hear what I knew to be true.  She was dead on and I knew it.  I also knew that any defensive response was nothing but pure pride coming out.  So I just listened.  And I agreed.  She was right.  I knew it. I immediately had to go back and "undo" what I had previously decided.  It was not easy, but it was right.  It felt good to not let my pride get in the way for once.

This was about progress, not pride.  And I knew it. 

Next time you are facing your pride.....don't let it get in the way of the progress you are trying to make. 

I am glad she reminded me of this. 

Man, I love my wife.

Strength and Honor,
