Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Catch a Glimpse

Hey all,

Have you ever caught a glimpse of something that made you do a "double take"?  Something that made you just want to stare at it for some reason.  Something you were completely drawn to and could not take your eyes off of.  Something that made you feel good.

While it is often easy to see the sunsets, or incredible views from a mountain or an overlook, or a really cool looking home or car.......................these are not the things that I am talking about.

There are so many things in our everyday lives that are right in front of us and if we are really paying attention.......then we can catch a glimpse of something really special.  If not, we miss it. 

It is all around us.  It might be our kids.  It might be our spouse.  It might be a co-worker.  It might be a total stranger.  It could be our surroundings.  It could be a song.  Life is available to us in our everyday stuff.

The world we live in is completely engulfed in God's miracles and beautiful creations.  However, if we are just going through the motions, then we will miss the incredible "glimpses" of HIS power in our midst.  HE is everywhere and in all things around us.  HE is there with our family, our friends, our work, our surroundings, and everything we interact with.  But if we are not awake......if we are not aware....if we are not looking for it.......then we will miss it.

Don't miss out on catching a "glimpse" of HIS works.  It is everywhere.

Don't miss it.......it brings us more life.

Strength and Honor,



Saturday, October 27, 2012

Riding or Walking

Hey all,

Where are you going?  Where are you heading to? Do you know the way?  How long will it take?  How will you know when you get there?  What destination are you awaiting to arrive?

These are deep and meaningful questions as it relates to our life aren't they?  When you seriously take the time to answer them.....it can be kind of scary.  But also exciting and encouraging.  I have been reflecting recently on whether or not I am "riding or walking" through life.

Check this out. 

Life is not about arriving "somewhere".....it is about the journey to get there.  The question is......are we a passenger or a participant.  Are we a "rider" or a "walker"?  Life is not supposed to be a bus ride to the next stop.  Life is the journey itself.  The journey that we experience as we walk along the path is life.  It is not at the next stop.  It is now.  Today. 

I watched a movie recently where it was said......."We don't choose a life....we live one".

I thought this was a great statement that reinforces the point.  Life is meant to be lived each day, each hour, each moment............all along the way.

So think about it.....are you a rider or a walker?

There is a big difference.

Strength and Honor,



Saturday, October 13, 2012

Surrendered Ground

Hey all,

It's time to take back the "Surrendered Ground" in our life!  It's time.  We can no longer allow the enemy to keep what has been "surrendered".  We need it back.  It is ours.  It was stolen from us and it is time for justice.  Justice is available to us all through our Father.  HE has already claimed victory over the one who has stolen from us.  We don't have to win anything.  We just have to trust in HIM and take back what is rightfully ours.  Even though we surrendered it, it is still ours. 

Are you ready to take "it" back?

So what I am talking about?  Surrendered ground means the things in our life that we have given up to the enemy.  While it certainly can be sin, it is not just sin.  Things like happiness, contentment, an addiction, being angry, or just being discouraged can be surrendered ground.  It might be a relationship that is really bad.  It might be your marriage.  It might be your circumstance at work.  Anything that is taking away from you experiencing life to the full can be surrendered ground.

Whatever it is for you....then I challenge you......isn't it is time to take it back?  Isn't it time to fight?  Why would you not fight if you know the victory was already at hand?  Give the issue to the Father and then stand up and fight for what has been "surrendered".  Will it be hard?  Yes.  Will it be worth it?  Yes.  But you must fight.  You have to show up first.  It is up to you.  Trust in your Father and...........

Take it back.

Strength and Honor,
